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Benthic typological groups
Btrait-package Btrait
Benthic fauna and trait characteristics
Traits_nioz Traits_cefas Traits_Db Traits_irr Taxonomy
Benthic effect and response trait characteristics, and taxonomy.
Simple plotting function for trait or density data
Interactive visualisation of the MWTL Northsea macrofauna data
getDensity() getProportion() addAbsences()
Functions for working with station x taxon data.
getDbIndex() getIrrIndex()
Functions for obtaining the bioturbation and bio-irrigation potential index.
Functions for combining station x taxon and trait data.
wide2long() w2lDensity() w2lTrait() long2wide() l2wDensity() l2wTrait()
Functions for conversion from long to wide format and vice versa.
The benthic fauna data from the Dutch part of the Northsea, including abiotic conditions.
The ICES northsea benthic survey (NSBS) from 1986, including abiotic conditions.
get Summary for station x taxon data (getSummary)
getTrait() extendTrait() fuzzy2crisp() crisp2fuzzy()
Functions for working with trait and taxonomic data.
getTaxonInfo() getTaxonomy() metadata()
getTaxonInfo gets trait information for a taxon getTaxonomy gets taxonomic information for a taxon metadata gets the description of the content of a database.