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getTaxonInfo extracts trait information for a certain taxon from a trait database.

metadata returns a description of an object, i.e the meaning of the columns, units, etc...


getTaxonInfo(taxon, trait = Traits_nioz, taxonomy = Taxonomy)  

getTaxonomy(taxon, taxonomy=Taxonomy)




name of the taxon (or vector with names) for which the traits need to be listed.


a trait database in wide format; it should have taxon as first column, and it should contain a description of the trait database in its attribute ("description"). See Traits_nioz for a suitable structure.


taxonomic information; first column will be matched with taxon from the trait database, regardless of its name.


any object that has a data.frame description in its attributes.


getTaxonInfo returns a data.frame with the traits of the species whose modalities are not Null, NULL or None.

getTaxonomy returns the occurrences of taxon within taxonomy.

metadata returns a data.frame with a description of the contents of the database.


Karline Soetaert <> Olivier Beauchard

See also

. MWTL for the data sets

mapBtrait for simple plotting functions.

getDensity for functions working with density data.

getTraitDensity for functions combining density and traits.

getDbIndex for extracting bioturbation and bioirrigation indices.

extendTrait for functions working with traits.



## ====================================================
## Description of the Traits_nioz database
## ====================================================
#>     colname                            trait                modality indic
#> 1    ET1.M1    Substratum depth distribution                       0     1
#> 2    ET1.M2    Substratum depth distribution                     0-5     1
#> 3    ET1.M3    Substratum depth distribution                    5-15     1
#> 4    ET1.M4    Substratum depth distribution                   15-30     1
#> 5    ET1.M5    Substratum depth distribution                     >30     1
#> 6    ET2.M1                     Biodiffusion                    Null     2
#> 7    ET2.M2                     Biodiffusion                     Low     2
#> 8    ET2.M3                     Biodiffusion                    High     2
#> 9    ET3.M1               Downward conveying                    Null     3
#> 10   ET3.M2               Downward conveying                     Low     3
#> 11   ET3.M3               Downward conveying                    High     3
#> 12   ET4.M1                 Upward conveying                    Null     4
#> 13   ET4.M2                 Upward conveying                     Low     4
#> 14   ET4.M3                 Upward conveying                    High     4
#> 15   ET5.M1                     Regeneration                    Null     5
#> 16   ET5.M2                     Regeneration                     Low     5
#> 17   ET5.M3                     Regeneration                    High     5
#> 18   ET6.M1                    Biodeposition                    Null     6
#> 19   ET6.M2                    Biodeposition                     Low     6
#> 20   ET6.M3                    Biodeposition                    High     6
#> 21   ET7.M1                       Bioerosion                    Null     7
#> 22   ET7.M2                       Bioerosion                     Low     7
#> 23   ET7.M3                       Bioerosion                    High     7
#> 24   ET8.M1                 Biostabilisation                    Null     8
#> 25   ET8.M2                 Biostabilisation                     Low     8
#> 26   ET8.M3                 Biostabilisation                    High     8
#> 27   ET9.M1              Ventilation/Pumping                    Null     9
#> 28   ET9.M2              Ventilation/Pumping                     Low     9
#> 29   ET9.M3              Ventilation/Pumping                    High     9
#> 30  ET10.M1                     Burrow width                    None    10
#> 31  ET10.M2                     Burrow width                  Narrow    10
#> 32  ET10.M3                     Burrow width            Intermediate    10
#> 33  ET10.M4                     Burrow width                    Wide    10
#> 34  ET11.M1           Endo-3D structure type                    None    11
#> 35  ET11.M2           Endo-3D structure type          Chimney/Funnel    11
#> 36  ET11.M3           Endo-3D structure type                    Tube    11
#> 37  ET11.M4           Endo-3D structure type        IJ-shaped burrow    11
#> 38  ET11.M5           Endo-3D structure type        UY-shaped burrow    11
#> 39  ET11.M6           Endo-3D structure type         Branched burrow    11
#> 40  ET11.M7           Endo-3D structure type      Anastomosed burrow    11
#> 41  ET12.M1          Endo-3D structure depth                    None    12
#> 42  ET12.M2          Endo-3D structure depth                     0-5    12
#> 43  ET12.M3          Endo-3D structure depth                    5-15    12
#> 44  ET12.M4          Endo-3D structure depth                   15-30    12
#> 45  ET12.M5          Endo-3D structure depth                     >30    12
#> 46  ET13.M1            Epi-3D structure type                    None    13
#> 47  ET13.M2            Epi-3D structure type                     Mat    13
#> 48  ET13.M3            Epi-3D structure type                   Mound    13
#> 49  ET13.M4            Epi-3D structure type Tube/Tubular protrusion    13
#> 50  ET13.M5            Epi-3D structure type                   Shell    13
#> 51  ET13.M6            Epi-3D structure type           Stalk/Feather    13
#> 52  ET13.M7            Epi-3D structure type            Protuberance    13
#> 53  ET14.M1       Epi-3D structure extension                    None    14
#> 54  ET14.M2       Epi-3D structure extension        Isolated/Clumped    14
#> 55  ET14.M3       Epi-3D structure extension                Mat/Lawn    14
#> 56  ET14.M4       Epi-3D structure extension             Simple reef    14
#> 57  ET14.M5       Epi-3D structure extension            Complex reef    14
#> 58  ET15.M1            Epi-3D structure size                    None    15
#> 59  ET15.M2            Epi-3D structure size                      <1    15
#> 60  ET15.M3            Epi-3D structure size                     1-3    15
#> 61  ET15.M4            Epi-3D structure size                    3-10    15
#> 62  ET15.M5            Epi-3D structure size                   10-20    15
#> 63  ET15.M6            Epi-3D structure size                   20-50    15
#> 64  ET15.M7            Epi-3D structure size                     >50    15
#> 65   RT1.M1                        Body mass                  <0.001     1
#> 66   RT1.M2                        Body mass             0.001-0.010     1
#> 67   RT1.M3                        Body mass             0.010-0.100     1
#> 68   RT1.M4                        Body mass             0.100-1.000     1
#> 69   RT1.M5                        Body mass                  >1.000     1
#> 70   RT2.M1                      Body length                      <1     2
#> 71   RT2.M2                      Body length                     1-3     2
#> 72   RT2.M3                      Body length                    3-10     2
#> 73   RT2.M4                      Body length                   10-20     2
#> 74   RT2.M5                      Body length                   20-50     2
#> 75   RT3.M1                  Body resistance                Very low     3
#> 76   RT3.M2                  Body resistance                     Low     3
#> 77   RT3.M3                  Body resistance            Intermediate     3
#> 78   RT3.M4                  Body resistance                    High     3
#> 79   RT3.M5                  Body resistance               Very high     3
#> 80   RT4.M1                         Motility                 Sessile     4
#> 81   RT4.M2                         Motility              Tubicolous     4
#> 82   RT4.M3                         Motility                 Crawler     4
#> 83   RT4.M4                         Motility                 Swimmer     4
#> 84   RT5.M1       Burrowing/Sheltering depth                       0     5
#> 85   RT5.M2       Burrowing/Sheltering depth                     0-5     5
#> 86   RT5.M3       Burrowing/Sheltering depth                    5-15     5
#> 87   RT5.M4       Burrowing/Sheltering depth                     >15     5
#> 88   RT6.M1                     Feeding type          Deposit feeder     6
#> 89   RT6.M2                     Feeding type       Suspension feeder     6
#> 90   RT6.M3                     Feeding type        Herbivore/Grazer     6
#> 91   RT6.M4                     Feeding type     Carnivore/Scavenger     6
#> 92   RT7.M1                        Life span                      <1     7
#> 93   RT7.M2                        Life span                     1-3     7
#> 94   RT7.M3                        Life span                    3-10     7
#> 95   RT7.M4                        Life span                   10-20     7
#> 96   RT7.M5                        Life span                     >20     7
#> 97   RT8.M1                  Age at maturity                      <1     8
#> 98   RT8.M2                  Age at maturity                     1-3     8
#> 99   RT8.M3                  Age at maturity                     3-5     8
#> 100  RT9.M1           Reproductive frequency         Sexual seasonal     9
#> 101  RT9.M2           Reproductive frequency       Sexual continuous     9
#> 102 RT10.M1                    Fertilisation            Broadcasting    10
#> 103 RT10.M2                    Fertilisation            Spermcasting    10
#> 104 RT10.M3                    Fertilisation                 Pairing    10
#> 105 RT11.M1                 Annual fecundity                   <10e2    11
#> 106 RT11.M2                 Annual fecundity               10e2-10e3    11
#> 107 RT11.M3                 Annual fecundity               10e3-10e4    11
#> 108 RT11.M4                 Annual fecundity               10e4-10e5    11
#> 109 RT11.M5                 Annual fecundity               10e5-10e6    11
#> 110 RT11.M6                 Annual fecundity                   >10e6    11
#> 111 RT12.M1                   Offspring type                     Egg    12
#> 112 RT12.M2                   Offspring type                   Larva    12
#> 113 RT12.M3                   Offspring type                Juvenile    12
#> 114 RT13.M1                   Offspring size                    <0.1    13
#> 115 RT13.M2                   Offspring size                 0.1-0.5    13
#> 116 RT13.M3                   Offspring size                 0.5-1.5    13
#> 117 RT13.M4                   Offspring size                   1.5-5    13
#> 118 RT14.M1             Offspring protection                    None    14
#> 119 RT14.M2             Offspring protection                     Gel    14
#> 120 RT14.M3             Offspring protection                 Capsule    14
#> 121 RT14.M4             Offspring protection                Burrying    14
#> 122 RT14.M5             Offspring protection        Bearing/Brooding    14
#> 123 RT15.M1            Offspring development          Planktotrophic    15
#> 124 RT15.M2            Offspring development          Lecithotrophic    15
#> 125 RT15.M3            Offspring development    Mixed planktotrophic    15
#> 126 RT15.M4            Offspring development    Mixed lecithotrophic    15
#> 127 RT15.M5            Offspring development                Internal    15
#> 128 RT16.M1 Offspring benthic stage duration                    Null    16
#> 129 RT16.M2 Offspring benthic stage duration                     <15    16
#> 130 RT16.M3 Offspring benthic stage duration                   15-30    16
#> 131 RT16.M4 Offspring benthic stage duration                   30-60    16
#> 132 RT16.M5 Offspring benthic stage duration                     >60    16
#> 133 RT17.M1 Offspring pelagic stage duration                    Null    17
#> 134 RT17.M2 Offspring pelagic stage duration                     <15    17
#> 135 RT17.M3 Offspring pelagic stage duration                   15-30    17
#> 136 RT17.M4 Offspring pelagic stage duration                   30-60    17
#> 137 RT17.M5 Offspring pelagic stage duration                     >60    17
#>            value     score units
#> 1   0.000000e+00 1.0000000    cm
#> 2   2.500000e+00 0.7500000    cm
#> 3   1.000000e+01 0.5000000    cm
#> 4   2.250000e+01 0.2500000    cm
#> 5   3.000000e+01 0.0000000    cm
#> 6   0.000000e+00 0.0000000     -
#> 7   5.000000e-01 0.5000000     -
#> 8   1.000000e+00 1.0000000     -
#> 9   0.000000e+00 0.0000000     -
#> 10  5.000000e-01 0.5000000     -
#> 11  1.000000e+00 1.0000000     -
#> 12  0.000000e+00 0.0000000     -
#> 13  5.000000e-01 0.5000000     -
#> 14  1.000000e+00 1.0000000     -
#> 15  0.000000e+00 0.0000000     -
#> 16  5.000000e-01 0.5000000     -
#> 17  1.000000e+00 1.0000000     -
#> 18  0.000000e+00 0.0000000     -
#> 19  5.000000e-01 0.5000000     -
#> 20  1.000000e+00 1.0000000     -
#> 21  0.000000e+00 0.0000000     -
#> 22  5.000000e-01 0.5000000     -
#> 23  1.000000e+00 1.0000000     -
#> 24  0.000000e+00 0.0000000     -
#> 25  5.000000e-01 0.5000000     -
#> 26  1.000000e+00 1.0000000     -
#> 27  0.000000e+00 0.0000000     -
#> 28  5.000000e-01 0.5000000     -
#> 29  1.000000e+00 1.0000000     -
#> 30  0.000000e+00 0.0000000    mm
#> 31  5.000000e+00 0.3333333    mm
#> 32  7.500000e+00 0.6666667    mm
#> 33  1.250000e+01 1.0000000    mm
#> 34  0.000000e+00 0.0000000     -
#> 35  1.666667e-01 0.1666667     -
#> 36  3.333333e-01 0.3333333     -
#> 37  5.000000e-01 0.5000000     -
#> 38  6.666667e-01 0.6666667     -
#> 39  8.333333e-01 0.8333333     -
#> 40  1.000000e+00 1.0000000     -
#> 41  0.000000e+00 0.0000000    cm
#> 42  2.500000e+00 0.2500000    cm
#> 43  1.000000e+01 0.5000000    cm
#> 44  2.250000e+01 0.7500000    cm
#> 45  3.000000e+01 1.0000000    cm
#> 46  0.000000e+00 0.0000000     -
#> 47  1.666667e-01 0.1666667     -
#> 48  3.333333e-01 0.3333333     -
#> 49  5.000000e-01 0.5000000     -
#> 50  6.666667e-01 0.6666667     -
#> 51  8.333333e-01 0.8333333     -
#> 52  1.000000e+00 1.0000000     -
#> 53  0.000000e+00 0.0000000     -
#> 54  2.500000e-01 0.2500000     -
#> 55  5.000000e-01 0.5000000     -
#> 56  7.500000e-01 0.7500000     -
#> 57  1.000000e+00 1.0000000     -
#> 58  0.000000e+00 0.0000000    mm
#> 59  1.000000e+00 0.1666667    mm
#> 60  2.000000e+00 0.3333333    mm
#> 61  6.500000e+00 0.5000000    mm
#> 62  1.500000e+01 0.6666667    mm
#> 63  3.500000e+01 0.8333333    mm
#> 64  5.000000e+01 1.0000000    mm
#> 65  5.000000e-04 0.0000000 gADWt
#> 66  5.000000e-03 0.2500000 gADWt
#> 67  5.000000e-02 0.5000000 gADWt
#> 68  5.000000e-01 0.7500000 gADWt
#> 69  5.000000e+00 1.0000000 gADWt
#> 70  5.000000e-01 0.0000000    mm
#> 71  2.000000e+00 0.2500000    mm
#> 72  6.500000e+00 0.5000000    mm
#> 73  1.500000e+01 0.7500000    mm
#> 74  3.500000e+01 1.0000000    mm
#> 75  0.000000e+00 1.0000000     -
#> 76  2.500000e-01 0.7500000     -
#> 77  5.000000e-01 0.5000000     -
#> 78  7.500000e-01 0.2500000     -
#> 79  1.000000e+00 0.0000000     -
#> 80  0.000000e+00 1.0000000     -
#> 81  3.333333e-01 0.6666667     -
#> 82  6.666667e-01 0.3333333     -
#> 83  1.000000e+00 0.0000000     -
#> 84  0.000000e+00 1.0000000    cm
#> 85  2.500000e+00 0.7500000    cm
#> 86  1.000000e+01 0.5000000    cm
#> 87  2.000000e+01 0.2500000    cm
#> 88  0.000000e+00 0.0000000     -
#> 89  3.333333e-01 0.3333333     -
#> 90  6.666667e-01 0.6666667     -
#> 91  1.000000e+00 1.0000000     -
#> 92  5.000000e-01 0.0000000  year
#> 93  2.000000e+00 0.2500000  year
#> 94  6.500000e+00 0.5000000  year
#> 95  1.500000e+01 0.7500000  year
#> 96  3.000000e+01 1.0000000  year
#> 97  5.000000e-01 0.0000000  year
#> 98  2.000000e+00 0.5000000  year
#> 99  4.000000e+00 1.0000000  year
#> 100 0.000000e+00 0.0000000     -
#> 101 1.000000e+00 1.0000000     -
#> 102 0.000000e+00 0.0000000     -
#> 103 5.000000e-01 0.5000000     -
#> 104 1.000000e+00 1.0000000     -
#> 105 5.000000e+01 0.0000000     -
#> 106 4.500000e+02 0.2000000     -
#> 107 4.500000e+03 0.4000000     -
#> 108 4.500000e+04 0.6000000     -
#> 109 4.500000e+05 0.8000000     -
#> 110 1.000000e+06 1.0000000     -
#> 111 0.000000e+00 0.0000000     -
#> 112 5.000000e-01 0.5000000     -
#> 113 1.000000e+00 1.0000000     -
#> 114 5.000000e-02 0.0000000    mm
#> 115 3.000000e-01 0.3333333    mm
#> 116 1.000000e+00 0.6666667    mm
#> 117 3.250000e+00 1.0000000    mm
#> 118 0.000000e+00 0.0000000     -
#> 119 2.500000e-01 0.2500000     -
#> 120 5.000000e-01 0.5000000     -
#> 121 7.500000e-01 0.7500000     -
#> 122 1.000000e+00 1.0000000     -
#> 123 0.000000e+00 0.0000000     -
#> 124 2.500000e-01 0.2500000     -
#> 125 5.000000e-01 0.5000000     -
#> 126 7.500000e-01 0.7500000     -
#> 127 1.000000e+00 1.0000000     -
#> 128 0.000000e+00 0.0000000  days
#> 129 7.500000e+00 0.2500000  days
#> 130 2.250000e+01 0.5000000  days
#> 131 4.500000e+01 0.7500000  days
#> 132 6.000000e+01 1.0000000  days
#> 133 0.000000e+00 0.0000000  days
#> 134 7.500000e+00 0.2500000  days
#> 135 2.250000e+01 0.5000000  days
#> 136 4.500000e+01 0.7500000  days
#> 137 6.000000e+01 1.0000000  days

## ====================================================
## Traits for certain taxa
## ====================================================

# Taxonomy of amphiura and related species in the databases.
getTaxonomy("Amphiura filiformis")
#> [[1]]
#>                   taxon    genus      family         order       class
#> 112 Amphiura filiformis Amphiura Amphiuridae Amphilepidida Ophiuroidea
#>            phylum AphiaID
#> 112 Echinodermata  125080
#> [[1]]
#>                                 taxon    genus      family         order
#> 109                          Amphiura Amphiura Amphiuridae Amphilepidida
#> 110 Amphiura (Ophiopeltis) securigera Amphiura Amphiuridae Amphilepidida
#> 111                  Amphiura chiajei Amphiura Amphiuridae Amphilepidida
#> 112               Amphiura filiformis Amphiura Amphiuridae Amphilepidida
#>           class        phylum AphiaID
#> 109 Ophiuroidea Echinodermata  123613
#> 110 Ophiuroidea Echinodermata  125195
#> 111 Ophiuroidea Echinodermata  125073
#> 112 Ophiuroidea Echinodermata  125080

getTaxonInfo("Amphiura filiformis")
#>                  taxon                            trait          modality units
#> 1  Amphiura filiformis    Substratum depth distribution               0-5    cm
#> 2  Amphiura filiformis    Substratum depth distribution              5-15    cm
#> 3  Amphiura filiformis                     Biodiffusion               Low     -
#> 7  Amphiura filiformis                    Biodeposition               Low     -
#> 10 Amphiura filiformis              Ventilation/Pumping              High     -
#> 11 Amphiura filiformis                     Burrow width            Narrow    mm
#> 12 Amphiura filiformis                     Burrow width      Intermediate    mm
#> 13 Amphiura filiformis           Endo-3D structure type    Chimney/Funnel     -
#> 14 Amphiura filiformis           Endo-3D structure type  UY-shaped burrow     -
#> 15 Amphiura filiformis          Endo-3D structure depth               0-5    cm
#> 16 Amphiura filiformis          Endo-3D structure depth              5-15    cm
#> 17 Amphiura filiformis            Epi-3D structure type             Mound     -
#> 18 Amphiura filiformis       Epi-3D structure extension  Isolated/Clumped     -
#> 19 Amphiura filiformis            Epi-3D structure size                <1    mm
#> 20 Amphiura filiformis            Epi-3D structure size               1-3    mm
#> 21 Amphiura filiformis                        Body mass       0.001-0.010 gADWt
#> 22 Amphiura filiformis                      Body length             20-50    mm
#> 23 Amphiura filiformis                  Body resistance               Low     -
#> 24 Amphiura filiformis                         Motility           Crawler     -
#> 25 Amphiura filiformis       Burrowing/Sheltering depth              5-15    cm
#> 26 Amphiura filiformis                     Feeding type    Deposit feeder     -
#> 27 Amphiura filiformis                     Feeding type Suspension feeder     -
#> 28 Amphiura filiformis                        Life span             10-20  year
#> 29 Amphiura filiformis                  Age at maturity               3-5  year
#> 30 Amphiura filiformis           Reproductive frequency   Sexual seasonal     -
#> 31 Amphiura filiformis                    Fertilisation           Pairing     -
#> 32 Amphiura filiformis                 Annual fecundity         10e4-10e5     -
#> 33 Amphiura filiformis                   Offspring type               Egg     -
#> 34 Amphiura filiformis                   Offspring size              <0.1    mm
#> 36 Amphiura filiformis            Offspring development    Planktotrophic     -
#> 38 Amphiura filiformis Offspring pelagic stage duration             30-60  days
#>    proportion
#> 1        0.75
#> 2        0.25
#> 3        1.00
#> 7        1.00
#> 10       1.00
#> 11       0.50
#> 12       0.50
#> 13       0.50
#> 14       0.50
#> 15       0.50
#> 16       0.50
#> 17       1.00
#> 18       1.00
#> 19       0.50
#> 20       0.50
#> 21       1.00
#> 22       1.00
#> 23       1.00
#> 24       1.00
#> 25       1.00
#> 26       0.50
#> 27       0.50
#> 28       1.00
#> 29       1.00
#> 30       1.00
#> 31       1.00
#> 32       1.00
#> 33       1.00
#> 34       1.00
#> 36       1.00
#> 38       1.00
getTaxonInfo("Amphiura filiformis", trait=Traits_cefas)
#>                  taxon                      trait                  modality
#> 1  Amphiura filiformis               Maximum size                   101-200
#> 2  Amphiura filiformis                 Morphology               Exoskeleton
#> 3  Amphiura filiformis                   Lifespan                       >10
#> 4  Amphiura filiformis   Egg development location            Sexual_pelagic
#> 5  Amphiura filiformis Larva development location    Pelagic_planktotrophic
#> 6  Amphiura filiformis               Living habit               Free_living
#> 7  Amphiura filiformis               Living habit Crevice_hole_under_stones
#> 8  Amphiura filiformis          Sediment position  Shallow_infauna_0_to_5cm
#> 9  Amphiura filiformis               Feeding mode                Suspension
#> 10 Amphiura filiformis               Feeding mode           Surface_deposit
#> 11 Amphiura filiformis                   Mobility         Crawl_creep_climb
#> 12 Amphiura filiformis                   Mobility                  Burrower
#> 13 Amphiura filiformis          Bioturbation mode          Diffusive_mixing
#> 14 Amphiura filiformis          Bioturbation mode        Surface_deposition
#>    units proportion
#> 1     mm       1.00
#> 2      -       1.00
#> 3  years       1.00
#> 4      -       1.00
#> 5      -       1.00
#> 6      -       0.75
#> 7      -       0.25
#> 8     cm       1.00
#> 9      -       0.50
#> 10     -       0.50
#> 11     -       0.50
#> 12     -       0.50
#> 13     -       0.50
#> 14     -       0.50

# there is no direct information on the traits of this species in Traits_cefas
getTaxonInfo("Amphiura filiformis", trait=Traits_cefas, NULL)
#> [1] taxon      trait      modality   units      proportion
#> <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

## ====================================================
## Northsea dataset
## ====================================================

# show its contents
#> $title
#> [1] "The MWTL Northsea macrobenthos data (1995 - 2018)"
#> $originator
#> [1] "Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu, Rijkswaterstaat Centrale Informatievoorziening (RWS, CIV)"
#> $implemented
#> [1] "Karline Soetaert, in the frame of the EMODnet biology project"
#>             name                                description          units
#> 1        station                               station name               
#> 2           date                    sampling date, a string               
#> 3          taxon taxon name, checked by worms, and adjusted               
#> 4        density                      species total density individuals/m2
#> 5        biomass          species total ash-free dry weight       gAFDW/m2
#> 6 taxon.original                        original taxon name