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mapBtrait: plots contourlines of the dataset with data superimposed


mapBtrait (x = NULL, y = NULL, colvar = NULL, main = NULL, col = NULL, 
       colkey = list(length = 0.3, width = 0.5, cex.axis = 0.8,         
         cex.clab = par("cex.lab")), xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
         contours = NULL, draw.levels = FALSE, col.levels = NULL,
         key.levels = FALSE, lwd.levels = 1, axes = TRUE, frame.plot = TRUE, ...)


x, y

coordinates of the points to plot.


color variable.


The colors used for the color variable. A vector; the default is jet.col(100).


specifications for the color key. See colkey. The color key will only be drawn if draw.levels = TRUE.


title of the plot.

xlim, ylim

(approximate) ranges of the plot. This is only approximate, as the actual ranges are tuned by the aspect ratio, which is calculated in the function.


A list with x, y, and z that specifies the contours. Usually, z is the water depth. If NULL, the contour specification from dataset MWTL is used (MWTL$contours)


Whether or not the depth levels should be added; if FALSE only levels that are >= 0 will be added.


Colors of the depth levels (only applicable if draw.levels=TRUE); the default is to have grey colors. Also allowed is a function that takes as input the number of colors - see last example.


The line width of the depth lines.


Whether to add a color key with the depth levels; only applicable if draw.levels=TRUE). This can be TRUE or FALSE, or a list that specifies the color key (see colkey).

axes, frame.plot

arguments to the main plotting function (that opens a window)


additional arguments passed to the plot function points2D, e.g. the type of symbol to use (pch, cex, ...), or whether to use log-transformed color variables (log="c").


returns nothing


Karline Soetaert <>

See also

MWTL, NSBS for the data sets that have contour specifications


This is a quick-and-dirty plotting function, and there may be better alternatives around.

To scale the x- and y-axis, the aspect ratio is estimated as: asp = 1/ cos((mean(ylim) * pi)/180).


MWTLabiotics <- merge(MWTL$stations, MWTL$abiotics)
with (MWTLabiotics, mapBtrait(x, y, colvar=depth, pch=18, cex=2, 
    contours=MWTL$contours, clab="m", main="Water depth"))

# Change the colorkey and the contours (use NSBS contours) 
with (MWTLabiotics, mapBtrait(x, y , colvar=depth, pch=18, cex=2, 
    clab="m", main="Water depth", contours=NSBS$contours,
    colkey = list(dist=-0.05, length=0.5, width=0.5, cex.axis=0.6)))

# zoom in on an area (not full control due to the overruling aspect ratio)
with (MWTLabiotics, mapBtrait(x, y , colvar=depth, pch=18, cex=2, 
    clab="m", main="Water depth", ylim=c(51, 54), xlim=c(3,5),
    colkey = list(dist=-0.08, length=0.5, width=0.5, cex.axis=0.6)))

# adding also the contours 
with (MWTLabiotics, mapBtrait(x, y, colvar=D50, contours=MWTL$contours,
        pch=18, cex=2, clab="micrometer", main="Median grain", 
        colkey = list(dist=-0.08, length=0.5, 
                      width=0.5, cex.axis=0.6)))

# adding also the contours with color key
# note: - main color key then positioned elsewhere (side=1)

# Use a different color scheme 
collev <- function(n) ramp.col(col=c("darkorange", "darkblue"), n=n)

with (MWTLabiotics, mapBtrait(x, y, colvar=D50, pch=18, cex=1.5, 
    clab=c("","micrometer"), main="Median grain", contours=MWTL$contours, 
    draw.levels=TRUE, key.levels=TRUE, col.levels=collev,
    colkey = list(side=1, dist=-0.08, length=0.25, 
                  width=0.5, cex.axis=0.6)))

# Change the appearance of the colorkey for levels: 
with (MWTLabiotics, mapBtrait(x, y, colvar=D50, contours=MWTL$contours,
    pch=18, cex=1.5, clab=c("grain size","micrometer"), 
    main="Median grain",  
    draw.levels=TRUE, key.levels=list(length=0.5, width=0.5), 
    col.levels=collev, colkey = list(side=1, dist=-0.08, length=0.25, 
                  width=0.5, cex.axis=0.6)))

# Show the depth contours
mapBtrait(contours=NSBS$contours, draw.levels=TRUE, key.levels=TRUE)

# Use a different color scheme 
collev <- function(n) ramp.col(col=c("darkgreen", "darkblue"), n=n)
mapBtrait(contours=NSBS$contours, draw.levels=TRUE, col.levels=collev,

# log-transformed color variables

# average densities of Abra alba in the MWTL data.
A.alba <- getDensity(descriptor  = MWTL$density$station,
                     averageOver = MWTL$density$year,
                     taxon       = MWTL$density$taxon, 
                     value       = MWTL$density$density,
                     subset      = MWTL$density$taxon == "Abra alba")
# add positions of stations 
# all.x=TRUE: also stations without A.alba are selected
# the NAs are converted to 0

A.alba <- merge(MWTL$stations, A.alba, by=1, all.x=TRUE) 
A.alba$value[which($value))] <- 0

# plot with density values log-transfored
# 0-values will be transformed to NAs in mapBtrait; 
# we set the NA color="grey"

mapBtrait(A.alba$x, A.alba$y, colvar=A.alba$value, pch=18, 
          cex=2, contours=MWTL$contours, NAcol="grey", log="c")