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The NSBS Northsea macrobenthos data (1986).

Samples are within (-3 and 9) dgE and (51.00 60.75) dgN

The data contain:

  • Macrofauna species density and biomass (NSBS$density)

  • Abiotic conditions (NSBS$abiotics), and station positions (NSBS$stations)

  • NSBS$contours: contourlines for mapping.





**NSNS$density**: This is the main Northsea NSBS benthos data set, containing species information for 234 stations sampled in 1985-1986.

The data, in long format, are in a data.frame with the following columns:

  • station, the NSBS station name (details in NSBS$stations).

  • date, the sampling date. Note, this is a string; it can be converted to POSIXct by: "as.POSIXct(NSBS$density$date, format='%d-%m-%Y')". The year can be extracted as 1900+as.POSIXlt(NSBS$density$date, format='%d-%m-%Y')$year.

  • year, the year of sampling

  • taxon, the taxon name to be used (usually species), and checked against the worms database (details in dataset Taxonomy).

  • density, the number of individuals per m2.

  • biomass, the total biomass per m2, in AFDW/m2 (ash-free dry weight).


**NSBS$abiotics**: the abiotic conditions of sampling stations.

NSBS$abiotics is a data.frame with the following columns:

  • station, the NSBS station name

  • depth, water depth [m]

  • mud, mud content of sediment, fraction [-]

  • porosity, volumetric water content [-]

  • permeability, sediment permeability [m2]

  • max.currentspeed, maximum current speed [m/s]



The positions of the different stations, in WGS84 format

  • station, the NSBS station name

  • x, degrees longitude

  • y, degrees latitude



The data for mapping the contours. The contourlines (x-, y) were derived from GEBCO high-resolution bathymetry, by creating contourlines.

The data set contains:

  • station, the NSBS station name

  • x: longitude, in [dgE]

  • y: latitude, in [dgN]

  • z: the corresponding depths, in [m]


The dataset **Taxonomy**: contains taxonomic information of the original and adjusted taxon in NSBS$density, as derived from the World Register of Marine Species (WORMS), using R-package worms.


NSBS contains the macrofauna data from the 1986 North Sea Benthos Survey, an activity of the Benthos Ecology Working Group of ICES.

Benthic samples were taken in a standardised way, on a regular grid covering the whole of the North Sea, and analysed by scientists from 10 laboratories. Extensive work was done to standardise taxonomy and identifications across the different laboratories.

Sediment was sampled with a Reineck Boxcorer (0,078 m2). Macrofauna sieved on a 1 mm mesh.


Karline Soetaert <>


The taxonomic information was created using the worms package:

Jan Holstein (2018). worms: Retrieving Aphia Information from World Register of Marine Species. R package version 0.2.2.

Heip, C.H.R.; Basford, D.; Craeymeersch, J.A.; Dewarumez, J.-M.; Dorjes, J.; de Wilde, P.; Duineveld, G.; Eleftheriou, A.; Herman, P.M.J.; Kingston, K.; Niermann, U.; Kunitzer, A.; Rachor, E.; Rumohr, H.; Soetaert, K.; Soltwedel, T. (1992). Trends in biomass, density and diversity of North Sea macrofauna. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 49: 13-22

See also

mapBtrait for plotting.

Traits_nioz for the trait datasets.

getDensity for functions operating on these data.

getDbIndex for extracting bioturbation and bioirrigation indices.

long2wide for functions changing the appearance on these data.


## Show contents of the data set

#>               name                       description      units
#> 1            depth                       water depth          m
#> 2              D50                 Median grain size micrometer
#> 3              mud             mud fraction (<63 um)          -
#> 4             sand       sand fraction (64 -2000 um)          -
#> 5           gravel        gravel fraction (>2000 um)          -
#> 6         salinity                          salinity           
#> 7         porosity          volumetric water content          -
#> 8     permeability                      permeability         m2
#> 9              POC particulate organic C in sediment          %
#> 10              TN               total N in sediment          %
#> 11   surfaceCarbon particulate organic C in upper cm          %
#> 12 surfaceNitrogen               total N in upper cm          %
#> 13  orbitalVelMean             mean orbital velocity        m/s
#> 14   orbitalVelMax          maximal orbital velocity        m/s
#> 15    tidalVelMean               mean tidal velocity        m/s
#> 16     tidalVelMax            maximal tidal velocity        m/s
#> 17       bedstress                  bed shear stress         Pa
#> 18       EUNIScode                         EUNIScode          -
#> 19             SAR      swept area ratio (fisheries) m2/m2/year
#>      name                                description          units
#> 1 station                               station name               
#> 2    date                    sampling date, a string               
#> 3   taxon taxon name, checked by worms, and adjusted               
#> 4 density                      species total density individuals/m2

## SPECIES data

#>   station date          taxon density
#> 1 ICES002 1986     Clitellata     1.0
#> 2 ICES002 1986    Thecostraca    24.0
#> 3 ICES003 1986 Ophiura albida     1.3
#> 4 ICES003 1986    Thecostraca   278.0
#> 5 ICES003 1986   Abludomelita     1.3
#> 6 ICES003 1986        Glycera     6.3

# The number of species per station (over all years)
Nspecies <- tapply(X     = NSBS$density$taxon, 
                   INDEX = NSBS$density$station, 
                   FUN   = function(x)length(unique(x)))
#>    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
#>    1.00   30.25   43.00   43.09   55.75   96.00 

# The number of times a species has been found
Nocc     <- tapply(X     = NSBS$density$station, 
                   INDEX = NSBS$density$taxon, 
                   FUN   = length)
head(sort(Nocc, decreasing = TRUE))     #most often encountered taxa
#>   Spiophanes bombyx   Scoloplos armiger              Pholoe    Goniada maculata 
#>                 217                 196                 188                 185 
#>        Ampharetidae Amphiura filiformis 
#>                 183                 183 

# total density per station
densstat <- tapply(X     = NSBS$density$density, 
                   INDEX = list(NSBS$density$station), 
                   FUN   = sum)
hist(densstat, n=30)


#>    station              depth             D50               mud           
#>  Length:235         Min.   :  4.20   Min.   :0.03516   Min.   :0.0002652  
#>  Class :character   1st Qu.: 34.75   1st Qu.:0.14024   1st Qu.:0.0139084  
#>  Mode  :character   Median : 57.50   Median :0.18710   Median :0.0349855  
#>                     Mean   : 63.76   Mean   :0.29469   Mean   :0.0771892  
#>                     3rd Qu.: 84.85   3rd Qu.:0.27823   3rd Qu.:0.0872650  
#>                     Max.   :195.20   Max.   :5.58824   Max.   :0.9003331  
#>                     NA's   :3        NA's   :1         NA's   :1          
#>       sand           gravel             porosity       permeability       
#>  Min.   : 9.86   Min.   :0.0000000   Min.   :0.3661   Min.   :-4.771e-08  
#>  1st Qu.:85.57   1st Qu.:0.0005157   1st Qu.:0.3925   1st Qu.: 0.000e+00  
#>  Median :93.09   Median :0.0055984   Median :0.4110   Median : 0.000e+00  
#>  Mean   :88.38   Mean   :0.0389908   Mean   :0.4202   Mean   : 8.635e-08  
#>  3rd Qu.:96.71   3rd Qu.:0.0350953   3rd Qu.:0.4358   3rd Qu.: 1.000e-12  
#>  Max.   :99.97   Max.   :0.5836318   Max.   :0.7029   Max.   : 1.688e-05  
#>  NA's   :1       NA's   :1                                                
#>       POC                TN          surfaceCarbon     surfaceNitrogen  
#>  Min.   :0.04682   Min.   :0.01100   Min.   :0.07304   Min.   :0.01815  
#>  1st Qu.:0.22743   1st Qu.:0.03796   1st Qu.:0.35539   1st Qu.:0.05845  
#>  Median :0.29917   Median :0.04300   Median :0.46386   Median :0.06793  
#>  Mean   :0.33695   Mean   :0.04895   Mean   :0.50761   Mean   :0.07394  
#>  3rd Qu.:0.41622   3rd Qu.:0.05631   3rd Qu.:0.64319   3rd Qu.:0.08698  
#>  Max.   :1.02022   Max.   :0.12488   Max.   :1.40612   Max.   :0.20045  
#>  NA's   :1         NA's   :1         NA's   :1         NA's   :1        
#>  orbitalVelMean     orbitalVelMax      tidalVelMean      tidalVelMax    
#>  Min.   :0.003484   Min.   :0.06843   Min.   :0.07054   Min.   :0.1619  
#>  1st Qu.:0.020203   1st Qu.:0.19295   1st Qu.:0.13072   1st Qu.:0.2938  
#>  Median :0.037795   Median :0.32866   Median :0.16890   Median :0.3936  
#>  Mean   :0.053431   Mean   :0.40298   Mean   :0.21072   Mean   :0.4741  
#>  3rd Qu.:0.063635   3rd Qu.:0.51756   3rd Qu.:0.25985   3rd Qu.:0.5859  
#>  Max.   :0.660648   Max.   :2.74205   Max.   :0.60274   Max.   :1.2783  
#>  NA's   :1          NA's   :1         NA's   :1         NA's   :1       
#>    bedstress        EUNIScode              SAR           
#>  Min.   :0.00213   Length:235         Min.   : 0.004772  
#>  1st Qu.:0.07000   Class :character   1st Qu.: 0.155010  
#>  Median :0.14000   Mode  :character   Median : 0.447977  
#>  Mean   :0.30296                      Mean   : 1.048422  
#>  3rd Qu.:0.33500                      3rd Qu.: 1.339842  
#>  Max.   :2.58000                      Max.   :20.729284  
#>  NA's   :3                            NA's   :1          

NSBSab <- merge(NSBS$stations, NSBS$abiotics)
with(NSBSab, mapBtrait(x, y, colvar=mud, contours=NSBS$contours, 
                       pch=16, main="mud fraction"))

#>               name                       description      units
#> 1            depth                       water depth          m
#> 2              D50                 Median grain size micrometer
#> 3              mud             mud fraction (<63 um)          -
#> 4             sand       sand fraction (64 -2000 um)          -
#> 5           gravel        gravel fraction (>2000 um)          -
#> 6         salinity                          salinity           
#> 7         porosity          volumetric water content          -
#> 8     permeability                      permeability         m2
#> 9              POC particulate organic C in sediment          %
#> 10              TN               total N in sediment          %
#> 11   surfaceCarbon particulate organic C in upper cm          %
#> 12 surfaceNitrogen               total N in upper cm          %
#> 13  orbitalVelMean             mean orbital velocity        m/s
#> 14   orbitalVelMax          maximal orbital velocity        m/s
#> 15    tidalVelMean               mean tidal velocity        m/s
#> 16     tidalVelMax            maximal tidal velocity        m/s
#> 17       bedstress                  bed shear stress         Pa
#> 18       EUNIScode                         EUNIScode          -
#> 19             SAR      swept area ratio (fisheries) m2/m2/year


NSsp_abi <- merge(NSBS$density, NSBS$abiotics)
ECH      <- subset(NSsp_abi, subset=taxon=="Echinocardium cordatum")
with(ECH, plot(mud, density, pch=16, main="E. cordatum", 
               xlab="mud fraction", ylab="density, ind/m2"))

# add station coordinates
ECH <- merge(ECH, NSBS$stations)

## From long format to wide format (stations x species)

NSwide <- with (NSBS$density, 
         l2wDensity(descriptor = station,    # long2wide for density
                    taxon      = taxon, 
                    value      = density))

PP <- princomp(t(NSwide[,-1]))
if (FALSE) {

## Community mean weighted score for traits.

# Traits estimated for absences, by including taxonomy 

Trait.lab <- metadata(Traits_nioz)

trait.cwm <- getTraitDensity(wide           = NSwide, 
                             trait          = Traits_nioz, 
                             taxonomy       = NSBS$taxonomy,
                             trait.class    = Trait.lab$trait, 
                             trait.score    = Trait.lab$score, 
                             scalewithvalue = TRUE)

head(trait.cwm, n=c(3,4))  
#>   descriptor Annual.fecundity Biodeposition
#> 1    ICES002       0.2466667        0.4373333     0.6000000
#> 2    ICES003       0.2898844        0.4404432     0.5120424
#> 3    ICES004       0.1556037        0.3284367     0.1960335

Stations.traits <- merge(NSBS$stations, trait.cwm, 
                         by.x="station", by.y="descriptor")


with(Stations.traits, mapBtrait(x, y, colvar=Biodeposition,
with(Stations.traits, mapBtrait(x, y, colvar=Biodiffusion,
with(Stations.traits, mapBtrait(x, y, colvar=Biostabilisation,
with(Stations.traits, mapBtrait(x, y, colvar=Burrow.width,
                                main="Burrow width"))

## Community mean weighted score for typological groups.

# Groups is in crisp format -> convert to fuzzy 

Groups.fuz <- crisp2fuzzy(Groups[,c("taxon", "typology")])

head (Groups, n=2)
#>                 taxon typology      description
#> 1 Nephrops norvegicus               11   Deep3D Deep 3D burrower
#> 2   Upogebia deltaura               11   Deep3D Deep 3D burrower
head (Groups.fuz, n=c(2,5))
#>                 taxon typology_Deep3D typology_DeepTub typology_Epi3D
#> 1 Nephrops norvegicus               1                0              0
#> 2   Upogebia deltaura               1                0              0
#>   typology_Foul
#> 1             0
#> 2             0

group.cwm <- getTraitDensity(wide           = NSwide, 
                             trait          = Groups.fuz, 
                             scalewithvalue = TRUE)

head(group.cwm, n=c(3,4))  
#>   descriptor typology_Deep3D typology_DeepTub typology_Epi3D
#> 1    ICES002               0       0.00000000              0
#> 2    ICES003               0       0.00000000              0
#> 3    ICES004               0       0.06191872              0

#>   descriptor        typology_Deep3D   typology_DeepTub  typology_Epi3D   
#>  Length:234         Min.   :0.00000   Min.   :0.00000   Min.   :0.00000  
#>  Class :character   1st Qu.:0.00000   1st Qu.:0.01365   1st Qu.:0.00000  
#>  Mode  :character   Median :0.00000   Median :0.05694   Median :0.00000  
#>                     Mean   :0.00303   Mean   :0.10945   Mean   :0.00147  
#>                     3rd Qu.:0.00000   3rd Qu.:0.14237   3rd Qu.:0.00000  
#>                     Max.   :0.07873   Max.   :0.86668   Max.   :0.13739  
#>  typology_Foul      typology_MajBiot  typology_MinBiot  typology_Neutral  
#>  Min.   :0.000000   Min.   :0.00000   Min.   :0.00000   Min.   :0.000000  
#>  1st Qu.:0.000000   1st Qu.:0.06253   1st Qu.:0.04029   1st Qu.:0.000000  
#>  Median :0.003142   Median :0.11540   Median :0.07770   Median :0.000000  
#>  Mean   :0.051520   Mean   :0.13321   Mean   :0.10534   Mean   :0.003535  
#>  3rd Qu.:0.023905   3rd Qu.:0.17352   3rd Qu.:0.13164   3rd Qu.:0.000000  
#>  Max.   :1.000000   Max.   :0.55688   Max.   :0.62949   Max.   :0.094942  
#>  typology_SesBiot  typology_ShalShel typology_SmalTub  typology_SurfDiff
#>  Min.   :0.00000   Min.   :0.00000   Min.   :0.00000   Min.   :0.00000  
#>  1st Qu.:0.01020   1st Qu.:0.02826   1st Qu.:0.03659   1st Qu.:0.09536  
#>  Median :0.07073   Median :0.08966   Median :0.07601   Median :0.17046  
#>  Mean   :0.13557   Mean   :0.12035   Mean   :0.11163   Mean   :0.22490  
#>  3rd Qu.:0.23378   3rd Qu.:0.17512   3rd Qu.:0.16814   3rd Qu.:0.31458  
#>  Max.   :0.74574   Max.   :0.76394   Max.   :0.47913   Max.   :0.85365  

## Show the depth contours

mapBtrait(contours=NSBS$contours, draw.levels=TRUE, key.levels=TRUE)

# Use a different color scheme
collev <- function(n) c("black", 
      ramp.col(col=c("darkgreen", "darkblue"), n=n-1))
mapBtrait(contours=NSBS$contours, draw.levels=TRUE, col.levels=collev,