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Macrofauna species trait information datasets.

  • Traits_nioz: 32 effect and response traits for benthic macrofauna (Beauchard et al, 2021)

  • Traits_cefas: 10 effect and response traist for benthic macrofauna (Clare et al, 2022)

  • Traits_Db: traits to estimate bioturbation potential index (Queiros et al., 2013)

  • Traits_irr: traits to estimate bioirrigation potential index as in (Wrede et al., 2018)

  • Taxonomy: taxonomic information for all taxa in the trait and density datasets


  • **Traits_nioz** contains 15 effect and 15 response traits of 281 macrobenthos taxa (as in Beauchard et al., 2021), mainly on species level. Traits are fuzzy coded, i.e. modalities can range inbetween 0 and 1, and a taxon can be attributed a score for several modalities. Within a trait, and for a taxon, the scores sum to 1.

  • **Traits_cefas** contains 10 traits for 1025 macrobenthos taxa (as in Beauchard et al., 2021), mainly on genus level. Traits are fuzzy coded.

  • **Traits_Db** has the traits for 1094 macrobenthos taxa (as in Queiros et al., 2013), mainly on species level. The original 1032 traits were amended with additional species (as from Ilvo - courtesy Gert van Hoey).

  • **Traits_irr** has the traits for 281 macrobenthos taxa, necessary to estimate the irrigation potential index as in Wrede et al., 2018. This information has been derived from the Traits_nioz dataset (see last example).

  • **Taxonomy** has the taxonomic information for all taxa, as derived from WoRMS.


Dataset Taxonomy is a data.frame with column names taxon, genus, family, order, class, phylum and AphiaID.

Dataset Traits_nioz is a data.frame with column names taxon, ET1.M1, ET1.M2, ... RT10.M3, RT10.M4; the latter are the trait modalities, e.g. RT10.M4 is modality 4 for response trait 10.

Dataset Traits_cefas is a data.frame with column names taxon, sr_Less_than_10, sr_11_to_20, sr_21_to_100, sr_101_to_200, ... b_Downward_conveyer, b_None.

Dataset Traits_Db is a data.frame with column names taxon, Ri, Mi Fti and source.

All trait datasets have a data.frame called description in their attributes that explains the meaning of the traits, their modalities and units, and a value and score. The score is a number between 0 and 1, representing the vulnerability of the taxon to perturbations for response traits, or that relate to the complexity or size for effect traits. For motility: a score from 0 (sessile) to 1 (swimmer) is given; the higher the score, the more mobile the taxon. The value represents an average value for the modality class. For unitless modalities, it is equal to score.

metadata(Traits_nioz), metadata(Traits_cefas), and metadata(Traits_Db), extract the desciption for the databases; attributes(Traits_nioz)$origin, attributes(Traits_cefas)$origin, and attributes(Traits_Db)$origin, show the source of the data.

  • For the *** nioz trait database*** , Traits_nioz (Beauchard et al., 2021), the following effect traits are included:

    • Substratum depth distribution ET1.Mx, in cm, with 5 modalities, 0 cm (ET1.M1), 0-5 cm (ET1.M2), 5-15 cm (ET1.M3), 15-30 cm(ET1.M4), and >30 cm (ET1.M5)

    • Biodiffusion ET2.Mx, the random dispersion of sediment particles by organisms; 3 modalities: Null, (ET2.M1), Low (ET2.M2) and High (ET2.M3).

    • Downward conveying ET3.Mx, downward displacement of sediment particles (including faeces production); 3 modalities: Null, (ET3.M1), Low (ET3.M2) and High (ET3.M3).

    • Upward conveying ET4.Mx, upward displacement of sediment particles, mostly by burrying; 3 modalities: Null, (ET4.M1), Low (ET4.M2) and High (ET4.M3).

    • Regeneration ET5.Mx, instantaneous up-and downward particle displacement, usually done by crabs; 3 modalities: Null, (ET5.M1), Low (ET5.M2) and High (ET5.M3).

    • Biodeposition ET6.Mx, pelagic-benthic sediment transfer through suspension feeding; 3 modalities: Null, (ET6.M1), Low (ET6.M2) and High (ET6.M3).

    • Bioerosion ET7.Mx, degradation through animal secretion; 3 modalities: Null, (ET7.M1), Low (ET7.M2) and High (ET7.M3).

    • Biostabilisation ET8.Mx, activity that mitigates sediment erodability through hydrological modulation (zoic tubes, mounds reefs); 3 modalities: Null, (ET8.M1), Low (ET8.M2) and High (ET8.M3).

    • Ventilation/Pumping ET9.Mx, generation of water fluxes into the substrate by body or appendix undulation; leads to bioirrigation when combined by burrows and endo-3D structure depth; 3 modalities: Null, (ET9.M1), Low (ET9.M2) and High (ET9.M3).

    • Burrow width ET10.Mx; with 4 modalities: None, 0 mm (ET10.M1), Narrow <5mm (ET10.M2), Intermediate 5-10mm (ET10.M3) and Wide >10mm (ET10.M4).

    • Endo-3D structure type ET11.Mx; 7 modalities: None (ET11.M1), Chimney/Funnel (ET11.M2), Tube (ET11.M3), IJ-shaped burrow (ET11.M4), UY-shaped burrow (ET11.M5), Branched burrow (ET11.M6) and Anastomosed burrow (ET11.M7). here chimney/funnel has a respiratory function, tube is constructed from organic or mineral material, UY-shaped differs from IJ shaped by enhancing water flux through bioturbation; similar for anastomosed and branched burrows (generally deep structures);

    • Endo-3D structure depth ET12.Mx, endobenthic vertical effect size (semi- or permanent burrows), in cm; 5 modalities: None (ET12.M1), 0-5 cm (ET12.M2), 5-15 cm (ET12.M3), 15-30 cm (ET12.M4), >30 cm (ET12.M5)

    • Epi-3D structure type ET13.Mx, type of epibenthic structure, on top of sediment; 7 modalities: None (ET13.M1), Mat (ET13.M2), Mound (ET13.M3), Tube/Tubular protrusion (ET13.M4), Shell (ET13.M5), Stalk/Feather (ET13.M6), Protuberance (ET13.M7)

    • Epi-3D structure extensions ET14.xx, type of epibenthic structure aggregations; 5 modalities: None (ET14.M1), Isolated/Clumped (ET14.M2), Mat/Lawn (ET14.M3), Simple reef (ET14.M4), Complex reef (ET14.M5)

    The **response traits** and their modalities are:

    • Body mass RT1.Mx, in gram ash free dry weight (gADWt); 6 modalities: <0.001 gADWt (RT1.M1), 0.001-0.010 gADWt (RT1.M2), 0.010-0.100 gADWt (RT1.M3), 0.100-1.000 gADWt (RT1.M4), 1.000-10.000 gADWt (RT1.M5), >10.000 gADWt (RT1.M6)

    • Body length RT2.Mx, in cm; 5 modalities: <1 cm (RT2.M1), 1-3 cm (RT2.M2), 3-10 cm (RT2.M3), 10-20 cm (RT2.M4), 20-50 cm (RT2.M5)

    • Body resistance RT3.Mx; 5 modalities: Very low (RT3.M1), Low (RT3.M2), Intermediate (RT3.M3), High (RT3.M4), Very high (RT3.M5)

    • Motility RT4.Mx, 4 modalities: Sessile (RT4.M1), Tubicolous (RT4.M2), Crawler (RT4.M3), Swimmer (RT4.M4)

    • Burrowing/Sheltering depth RT5.Mx, 4 modalities: 0 cm (RT5.M1), 0-5 cm (RT5.M2), 5-15 cm (RT5.M3), >15 cm (RT5.M4)

    • Feeding type RT6.Mx; 4 modalities: Deposit feeder (RT6.M1), Suspension feeder (RT6.M2), Herbivore/Grazer (RT6.M3), Carnivore/Scavenger (RT6.M4)

    • Life span RT7.Mx, time necessary to achieve a life cycle during which at least one reproductive success is ensured, in years; 5 modalities: < 1 yr (RT7.M1), 1-3 yr (RT7.M2), 3-10 yr (RT7.M3), 10-20 yr (RT7.M4), >20 yr (RT7.M5)

    • Age at maturity RT8.Mx, time after which reproductive successs can be expected, in years; 3 modalities: <1 yr (RT8.M1), 1-3 yr (RT8.M2), 3-5 yr (RT8.M3)

    • Offspring type RT12.Mx; 3 modalities: Egg (RT12.M1), Larva (RT12.M2), Juvenile (RT12.M3)

    • Offspring size RT13.Mx, in mm; 4 modalities: <0.1 mm (RT13.M1),0.1-0.5 mm (RT13.M2), 0.5-1.5 mm (RT13.M3), 1.5-5 mm (RT13.M4).

  • In the *** cefas trait database*** , Traits_cefas (Clare et al., 2022), the following traits are included:

    • Maximum size, The maximum size (mm) that the taxon is known to reach during the adult stage, sr_x, in mm, with 5 modalities: sr_Less_than_10, sr_11_to_20, sr_21_to_100, sr_101_to_200, sr_201_to_500, sr_More_than_500

    • Morphology m_xx with 6 modalities: m_Soft, m_Tunic , m_Exoskeleton, m_Crustose, m_Cushion, m_Stalked

    • Lifespan, The maximum reported lifespan (years) of the adult stage, l_xx, with 4 modalities: l_Less_than_1, l_1_to_3, l_3_to_10, l_More_than_10

    • Egg development location, ed_xx, with 4 modalities: ed_Asexual, ed_Sexual_pelagic, ed_Sexual_benthic, ed_Sexual_brooded

    • Larva development location, ld_xx, 3 modalities: ld_Pelagic_planktotrophic, ld_Pelagic_lecithotrophic, ld_Benthic_direct

    • Living habit, lh_xx, 5 modalities: lh_Burrow_dwelling, lh_Free_living, lh_Crevice_hole_under_stones, lh_Epi_endo_biotic , lh_Attached_to_substratum

    • Sediment position, sp_xx, 4 modalities: sp_Surface, sp_Shallow_infauna_0_to_5cm, sp_Mid_depth_infauna_5_to_10cm, sp_Deep_infauna_more_than_10cm

    • Feeding mode, f_xx, 6 modalities: f_Suspension, f_Surface_deposit, f_Subsurface_deposit, f_Scavenger, f_Predator, f_Parasite

    • Mobility, mob_xx, 4 modalities: mob_Sessile, mob_Swim, mob_Crawl_creep_climb, mob_Burrower

    • Bioturbation mode, b_xx, 5 modalities: b_Diffusive_mixing, b_Surface_deposition, b_Upward_conveyor, b_Downward_conveyer, b_None

  • The *** bioturbation trait database*** , Traits_Db (Queiros et al., 2013), contains the *Mi* and *Ri* scores, as well as the reworking types (*Fti*) that are necessary to estimate the bioturbation potential index. Their meaning is:

    • Mi, the mobility scores: 1 for organisms that live in fixed tubes; 2 indicates limited movement; 3 indicates slow, free movement through the sediment matrix; 4 indicates free movement, that is, via burrow system.

    • Ri, the reworking scores: 1 for epifauna; 2 for surficial modifiers; 3 for upward and downward conveyors; 4 for biodiffusors; 5 for regenerators.

    • Fti, the reworking types: E for epifauna; S for surficial modifiers; UC for upward conveyors; DC for downward conveyors; B for biodiffusors; R for regenerators.


Karline Soetaert <> Olivier Beauchard


The NIOZ trait database is described in the following paper:

Beauchard O, Brind'Amour A, Schratzberger M, Laffargue P, Hintzen NT, Somerfield PJ, Piet G (2021) A generic approach to develop a trait-based indicator of trawling-induced disturbance. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 675:35-52.

The CEFAS trait dataset:

Clare, David S. Bolam, Stefan G. McIlwaine, Paul S.O. Garcia, Clement Murray, Joanna M. Eggleton, Jacqueline D. (2022). Ten key biological traits of marine benthic invertebrates surveyed in Northwest Europe. Cefas, UK. V2. doi:

The bioturbation data:

Ana M. Queiros, Silvana N. R. Birchenough, Julie Bremner, Jasmin A. Godbold, Ruth E. Parker, Alicia Romero-Ramirez, Henning Reiss, Martin Solan, Paul J. Somerfield, Carl Van Colen, Gert Van Hoey, Stephen Widdicombe, 2013. A bioturbation classification of European marine infaunal invertebrates. Ecology and Evolution 3 (11), 3958-3985

The bioirrigation traits:

A. Wrede, J.Beermann, J.Dannheim, L.Gutow, T.Brey, 2018. Organism functional traits and ecosystem supporting services - A novel approach to predict bioirrigation. Ecological indicators, 91, 737-743.

See also

Groups for the benthic typological groups.

MWTL for other data sets of the Northsea.

mapBtrait for plotting.

extendTrait for functions operating on trait data.

getDensity for functions operating on density data.

getTraitDensity for functions operating on density and trait data.

getDbIndex for extracting bioturbation and bioirrigation indices.


## Show contents of the trait data sets - NIOZ data

traits.lab <- attributes(Traits_nioz)$description

head  (traits.lab)
#>   colname                         trait modality indic value score units
#> 1  ET1.M1 Substratum depth distribution        0     1   0.0  1.00    cm
#> 2  ET1.M2 Substratum depth distribution      0-5     1   2.5  0.75    cm
#> 3  ET1.M3 Substratum depth distribution     5-15     1  10.0  0.50    cm
#> 4  ET1.M4 Substratum depth distribution    15-30     1  22.5  0.25    cm
#> 5  ET1.M5 Substratum depth distribution      >30     1  30.0  0.00    cm
#> 6  ET2.M1                  Biodiffusion     Null     2   0.0  0.00     -
#>  [1] "Substratum depth distribution"    "Biodiffusion"                    
#>  [3] "Downward conveying"               "Upward conveying"                
#>  [5] "Regeneration"                     "Biodeposition"                   
#>  [7] "Bioerosion"                       "Biostabilisation"                
#>  [9] "Ventilation/Pumping"              "Burrow width"                    
#> [11] "Endo-3D structure type"           "Endo-3D structure depth"         
#> [13] "Epi-3D structure type"            "Epi-3D structure extension"      
#> [15] "Epi-3D structure size"            "Body mass"                       
#> [17] "Body length"                      "Body resistance"                 
#> [19] "Motility"                         "Burrowing/Sheltering depth"      
#> [21] "Feeding type"                     "Life span"                       
#> [23] "Age at maturity"                  "Reproductive frequency"          
#> [25] "Fertilisation"                    "Annual fecundity"                
#> [27] "Offspring type"                   "Offspring size"                  
#> [29] "Offspring protection"             "Offspring development"           
#> [31] "Offspring benthic stage duration" "Offspring pelagic stage duration"

# types of burrows
subset(traits.lab, subset = (trait=="Endo-3D structure type"))
#>    colname                  trait           modality indic     value     score
#> 34 ET11.M1 Endo-3D structure type               None    11 0.0000000 0.0000000
#> 35 ET11.M2 Endo-3D structure type     Chimney/Funnel    11 0.1666667 0.1666667
#> 36 ET11.M3 Endo-3D structure type               Tube    11 0.3333333 0.3333333
#> 37 ET11.M4 Endo-3D structure type   IJ-shaped burrow    11 0.5000000 0.5000000
#> 38 ET11.M5 Endo-3D structure type   UY-shaped burrow    11 0.6666667 0.6666667
#> 39 ET11.M6 Endo-3D structure type    Branched burrow    11 0.8333333 0.8333333
#> 40 ET11.M7 Endo-3D structure type Anastomosed burrow    11 1.0000000 1.0000000
#>    units
#> 34     -
#> 35     -
#> 36     -
#> 37     -
#> 38     -
#> 39     -
#> 40     -

# taxa with U- or Y-shaped burrows (ET9M5):
subset(Traits_nioz, subset = ET11.M5 > 0)$taxon
#>  [1] "Acrocnida brachiata"       "Acteon tornatilis"        
#>  [3] "Amphiura chiajei"          "Amphiura filiformis"      
#>  [5] "Aoridae"                   "Arenicola"                
#>  [7] "Brissopsis lyrifera"       "Callianassa"              
#>  [9] "Callianassa subterranea"   "Chaetopterus variopedatus"
#> [11] "Corophium"                 "Lagis koreni"             
#> [13] "Marphysa sanguinea"        "Natatolana borealis"      
#> [15] "Poecilochaetus serpens"    "Polydora"                 
#> [17] "Prionospio"                "Prionospio cirrifera"     
#> [19] "Pygospio elegans"          "Streblospio"              
#> [21] "Streblospio shrubsolii"    "Thracia convexa"          
#> [23] "Thracia phaseolina"        "Thracia pubescens"        
#> [25] "Upogebia deltaura"         "Upogebia stellata"        

## Show contents of the trait data sets - CEFAS data

traits_cefas.lab <- attributes(Traits_cefas)$description

head  (traits_cefas.lab)
#>            colname        trait modality indic value score units
#> 1  sr_Less_than_10 Maximum size      <10     1     5   0.0    mm
#> 2      sr_11_to_20 Maximum size    11-20     1    15   0.2    mm
#> 3     sr_21_to_100 Maximum size   21-100     1    60   0.4    mm
#> 4    sr_101_to_200 Maximum size  101-200     1   150   0.6    mm
#> 5    sr_201_to_500 Maximum size  201-500     1   350   0.8    mm
#> 6 sr_More_than_500 Maximum size     >500     1   750   1.0    mm
#>                                                                      description
#> 1 The maximum size (mm) that the taxon is known to reach during the adult stage.
#> 2 The maximum size (mm) that the taxon is known to reach during the adult stage.
#> 3 The maximum size (mm) that the taxon is known to reach during the adult stage.
#> 4 The maximum size (mm) that the taxon is known to reach during the adult stage.
#> 5 The maximum size (mm) that the taxon is known to reach during the adult stage.
#> 6 The maximum size (mm) that the taxon is known to reach during the adult stage.
#>  [1] "Maximum size"               "Morphology"                
#>  [3] "Lifespan"                   "Egg development location"  
#>  [5] "Larva development location" "Living habit"              
#>  [7] "Sediment position"          "Feeding mode"              
#>  [9] "Mobility"                   "Bioturbation mode"         

# Living habit
subset(traits_cefas.lab, subset = (trait=="Living habit"))
#>                         colname        trait                  modality indic
#> 24             lh_Tube_dwelling Living habit             Tube_dwelling     7
#> 25           lh_Burrow_dwelling Living habit           Burrow_dwelling     7
#> 26               lh_Free_living Living habit               Free_living     7
#> 27 lh_Crevice_hole_under_stones Living habit Crevice_hole_under_stones     7
#> 28           lh_Epi_endo_biotic Living habit           Epi_endo_biotic     7
#> 29    lh_Attached_to_substratum Living habit    Attached_to_substratum     7
#>    value score units
#> 24   0.0   0.0     -
#> 25   0.2   0.2     -
#> 26   0.4   0.4     -
#> 27   0.6   0.6     -
#> 28   0.8   0.8     -
#> 29   1.0   1.0     -
#>                                                                                       description
#> 24               Adults live in a tube, which may be lined with sand, mucus or calcium carbonate.
#> 25                                                Adults live in a permanent or temporary burrow.
#> 26 Adults do not inhabit a restrictive structure. Able to move freely within and/or on sediments.
#> 27   Adults typically cryptic and inhabit spaces within coarse/rock substrate or algal holdfasts.
#> 28                                                         Adults live on or in another organism.
#> 29                                               Adults are attached to coarse substrate or rock.

# taxa that live predominantly in a tube (lh_Tube_dwelling):
subset(Traits_cefas, subset = lh_Tube_dwelling > 0.5)$taxon  # more than 50%
#>   [1] "Aponuphis"          "Paradiopatra"       "Panthalis"         
#>   [4] "Platynereis"        "Fabricia"           "Acromegalomma"     
#>   [7] "Branchiomma"        "Chone"              "Euchone"           
#>  [10] "Jasmineira"         "Laonome"            "Perkinsiana"       
#>  [13] "Pseudopotamilla"    "Sabella"            "Sabellidae"        
#>  [16] "Apomatus"           "Circeis"            "Ditrupa"           
#>  [19] "Hydroides"          "Protula"            "Serpula"           
#>  [22] "Vermiliopsis"       "Serpulidae"         "Siboglinum"        
#>  [25] "Poecilochaetus"     "Pygospio"           "Trochochaeta"      
#>  [28] "Ampharete"          "Amphicteis"         "Anobothrus"        
#>  [31] "Eclysippe"          "Lysippe"            "Samytha"           
#>  [34] "Sosane"             "Ampharetidae"       "Dodecaceria"       
#>  [37] "Melinna"            "Amphictene"         "Lagis"             
#>  [40] "Pectinaria"         "Petta"              "Pectinariidae"     
#>  [43] "Amphitrite"         "Lanice"             "Loimia"            
#>  [46] "Neoamphitrite"      "Nicolea"            "Paramphitrite"     
#>  [49] "Pista"              "Pistella"           "Streblosoma"       
#>  [52] "Thelepus"           "Terebellides"       "Trichobranchus"    
#>  [55] "Capitella"          "Heteromastus"       "Mediomastus"       
#>  [58] "Chaetopterus"       "Phyllochaetopterus" "Spiochaetopterus"  
#>  [61] "Chaetopteridae"     "Clymenella"         "Clymenura"         
#>  [64] "Euclymene"          "Heteroclymene"      "Lumbriclymene"     
#>  [67] "Maldane"            "Microclymene"       "Nicomache"         
#>  [70] "Notoproctus"        "Petaloproctus"      "Praxillella"       
#>  [73] "Praxillura"         "Rhodine"            "Maldanidae"        
#>  [76] "Galathowenia"       "Myriochele"         "Owenia"            
#>  [79] "Oweniidae"          "Lygdamis"           "Sabellaria"        
#>  [82] "Ampelisca"          "Byblis"             "Haploops"          
#>  [85] "Ampeliscidae"       "Ampithoe"           "Lembos"            
#>  [88] "Microdeutopus"      "Crassicorophium"    "Monocorophium"     
#>  [91] "Protomedeia"        "Ericthonius"        "Jassa"             
#>  [94] "Siphonoecetes"      "Ischyroceridae"     "Microprotopus"     
#>  [97] "Gammaropsis"        "Photis"             "Tanais"            
#> [100] "Phascolion"        

## Feeding type - NIOZ data

FT <- subset(traits.lab, trait=="Feeding type")
#>    colname        trait            modality indic     value     score units
#> 88  RT6.M1 Feeding type      Deposit feeder     6 0.0000000 0.0000000     -
#> 89  RT6.M2 Feeding type   Suspension feeder     6 0.3333333 0.3333333     -
#> 90  RT6.M3 Feeding type    Herbivore/Grazer     6 0.6666667 0.6666667     -
#> 91  RT6.M4 Feeding type Carnivore/Scavenger     6 1.0000000 1.0000000     -
head(Traits_nioz[,c("taxon", FT$colname)])
#>                   taxon RT6.M1 RT6.M2 RT6.M3 RT6.M4
#> 1          Abludomelita    1.0    0.0      0      0
#> 2 Abludomelita obtusata    1.0    0.0      0      0
#> 3             Abra alba    0.5    0.5      0      0
#> 4           Abra nitida    0.5    0.5      0      0
#> 5       Abra prismatica    0.5    0.5      0      0
#> 6           Abra tenuis    0.5    0.5      0      0

# Select for all taxa the feeding type to which they belong
FTspec <- apply(Traits_nioz[ ,FT$colname], 
                MARGIN = 2,             # apply on columns
                FUN    = function(x) Traits_nioz$taxon[x>0])

names(FTspec) <- FT$modality
#>  [1] "Alitta virens"         "Apherusa"              "Aplysia"              
#>  [4] "Caprellidae"           "Carcinus maenas"       "Echinus esculentus"   
#>  [7] "Gammarus"              "Lepidonotus squamatus" "Liocarcinus"          
#> [10] "Liocarcinus holsatus"  "Marphysa sanguinea"    "Nereis"               
#> [13] "Ophryotrocha"          "Pagurus bernhardus"    "Paraonis fulgens"     
#> [16] "Portumnus latipes"     "Psammechinus miliaris" "Pygospio elegans"     
#> [19] "Schistomysis"         

## Number of occurrences of feeding types
FTtable <- apply(Traits_nioz[,FT$colname], 
                 MARGIN = 2, 
                 FUN    = function(x) sum(x>0))

data.frame(FT$modality, numberOfOccurrences = FTtable)
#>                FT.modality numberOfOccurrences
#> RT6.M1      Deposit feeder                 149
#> RT6.M2   Suspension feeder                 117
#> RT6.M3    Herbivore/Grazer                  19
#> RT6.M4 Carnivore/Scavenger                  93

## Feeding type - CEFAS data

FT_cefas <- subset(traits_cefas.lab, trait== "Feeding mode")
#>                 colname        trait           modality indic value score units
#> 34         f_Suspension Feeding mode         Suspension     9   0.0   0.0     -
#> 35    f_Surface_deposit Feeding mode    Surface_deposit     9   0.2   0.2     -
#> 36 f_Subsurface_deposit Feeding mode Subsurface_deposit     9   0.4   0.4     -
#> 37          f_Scavenger Feeding mode          Scavenger     9   0.6   0.6     -
#> 38           f_Predator Feeding mode           Predator     9   0.8   0.8     -
#> 39           f_Parasite Feeding mode           Parasite     9   1.0   1.0     -
#>                                                              description
#> 34    Feeds on particulate food resources suspended in the water column.
#> 35 Feeds on detritus (including algal material) on the sediment surface.
#> 36                 Feeds on detritus located within the sediment matrix.
#> 37                                      Feeds on dead animals (carrion).
#> 38           Actively predates on animals (including small zooplankton).
#> 39                             Derives nutrition from its host organism.

FT_cefasSpec <- apply(Traits_cefas[ ,FT_cefas$colname], 
                MARGIN = 2,             # apply on columns
                FUN    = function(x) Traits_cefas$taxon[x>0])
names(FT_cefasSpec) <- FT_cefas$modality
#>  [1] "Drilonereis"    "Notocirrus"     "Oenonidae"      "Rhodinicola"   
#>  [5] "Notodelphys"    "Melinnacheres"  "Epimeria"       "Metopa"        
#>  [9] "Parametopa"     "Stenothoe"      "Stenula"        "Stenothoidae"  
#> [13] "Pinnotheres"    "Pseudione"      "Bopyridae"      "Cirolana"      
#> [17] "Cirolanidae"    "Gnathia"        "Ione"           "Isopoda"       
#> [21] "Galatheascus"   "Triangulus"     "Eulima"         "Melanella"     
#> [25] "Vitreolina"     "Brachystomia"   "Odostomia"      "Pyramidellidae"

## number of occurrences
FTtable_cefas <- apply(Traits_cefas[,FT_cefas$colname], 
                 MARGIN = 2, 
                 FUN    = function(x) sum(x>0))

data.frame(FT_cefas$modality, numberOfOccurrences = FTtable_cefas)
#>                       FT_cefas.modality numberOfOccurrences
#> f_Suspension                 Suspension                 488
#> f_Surface_deposit       Surface_deposit                 346
#> f_Subsurface_deposit Subsurface_deposit                 147
#> f_Scavenger                   Scavenger                 230
#> f_Predator                     Predator                 385
#> f_Parasite                     Parasite                  28

## Community mean weighted score.
## Traits from all taxa in the dataset, yearly averaged 

trait.lab <- attributes(Traits_nioz)$description

# traits are extended with taxonomic information (via taxonomy), 
# and converted to crisp values (by passing trait.class, trait.score)

cwm.weight.score <- with (MWTL$density, 
      getTraitDensity(descriptor     = station, 
                      taxon          = taxon, 
                      value          = density, 
                      averageOver    = year, 
                      trait          = Traits_nioz, 
                      taxonomy       = Taxonomy,
                      trait.class    = trait.lab$trait, 
                      trait.score    = trait.lab$score, 
                      scalewithvalue = TRUE))

head(cwm.weight.score, n=c(3,4))  
#>   descriptor Annual.fecundity Biodeposition
#> 1  BREEVTN02       0.3292563        0.3976374     0.2097908
#> 2  BREEVTN03       0.3214742        0.4633356     0.1636630
#> 3  BREEVTN04       0.1273492        0.3011162     0.1416944

Stations.traits <- merge(MWTL$stations, cwm.weight.score, 
                         by.x="station", by.y="descriptor")


with(Stations.traits, mapBtrait(x, y, colvar=Biodeposition,
with(Stations.traits, mapBtrait(x, y, colvar=Biodiffusion,
with(Stations.traits, mapBtrait(x, y, colvar=Biostabilisation,
with(Stations.traits, mapBtrait(x, y, colvar=Burrow.width,
                                main="Burrow width"))

## Deriving the bio-irrigation traits from the NIOZ dataset

# the burrow types are derived from the nioz traits "Endo-3D structure type", 
# the injection depth from traits "Endo-3D structure depth" 
# the feeding type is derived from the nioz traits "Feeding type". 

# traits and modalities in Traits_nioz usable for bio-irrigation estimates
Irr.meta <- rbind(
  subset(metadata(Traits_nioz), subset = trait == "Endo-3D structure type"),  #BT
  subset(metadata(Traits_nioz), subset = trait == "Endo-3D structure depth"), #ID
  subset(metadata(Traits_nioz), subset = trait == "Feeding type"))            #FT

# Add irrigation scores
Irr.meta$IR.type  <- c(rep("BT", times=7),  rep("ID", times=5), rep("FT", times=4))
Irr.meta$IR.value <- c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3,     1, 2, 3, 4, 4,    3, 2, 1, 1)

# Show the metadata usable together with Traits_nioz
Irr.meta[, c(1:3,8:9)]
#>    colname                   trait            modality IR.type IR.value
#> 34 ET11.M1  Endo-3D structure type                None      BT        1
#> 35 ET11.M2  Endo-3D structure type      Chimney/Funnel      BT        1
#> 36 ET11.M3  Endo-3D structure type                Tube      BT        1
#> 37 ET11.M4  Endo-3D structure type    IJ-shaped burrow      BT        2
#> 38 ET11.M5  Endo-3D structure type    UY-shaped burrow      BT        2
#> 39 ET11.M6  Endo-3D structure type     Branched burrow      BT        3
#> 40 ET11.M7  Endo-3D structure type  Anastomosed burrow      BT        3
#> 41 ET12.M1 Endo-3D structure depth                None      ID        1
#> 42 ET12.M2 Endo-3D structure depth                 0-5      ID        2
#> 43 ET12.M3 Endo-3D structure depth                5-15      ID        3
#> 44 ET12.M4 Endo-3D structure depth               15-30      ID        4
#> 45 ET12.M5 Endo-3D structure depth                 >30      ID        4
#> 88  RT6.M1            Feeding type      Deposit feeder      FT        3
#> 89  RT6.M2            Feeding type   Suspension feeder      FT        2
#> 90  RT6.M3            Feeding type    Herbivore/Grazer      FT        1
#> 91  RT6.M4            Feeding type Carnivore/Scavenger      FT        1

cnames <- c("taxon", Irr.meta$colname)  # columns to be extracted from Traits_nioz

Irr.traits <- fuzzy2crisp(trait       = Traits_nioz[, cnames], 
                          trait.class = Irr.meta$IR.type, 
                          trait.score = Irr.meta$IR.value)

# metadata
Irr.traits.meta <- data.frame(
   trait      = c(rep("BT", times=3), rep("ID", times=4),  rep("FT", times=4),
   modality   = c(1:3               , 1:4               , 1:4), 
   description= c("epifauna, internal irrigation (e.g. siphons)", 
                  "open irrigation (e.g. U- or Y- shaped burrows)", 
                  "blind ended irrigation", 
                  "injection pocket 0-2cm", "injection pocket 2-5cm", 
                  "injection pocket 5-10cm", "injection pocket >10 cm depth", 
                  "surface filter feeders", "predators", 
                  "deposit feeders", "sub surface filter feeders")))
attributes(Irr.traits)$description <- Irr.traits.meta