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emodnet.wfs (development version)

  • Improved documentation following rOpenSci reviews: manual pages, README, vignettes.

  • Renamed reduce_layers argument to simplify.

  • emodnet_wfs() now really returns a tibble, not a data.frame.

  • Listed reviewers in DESCRIPTION.

  • Set up a better escape mechanism for examples that could fail when services are down, but ensure they are rendered in the pkgdown website.

emodnet.wfs 2.0.2

  • Added ability to pass vendor parameter to emodnet.wfs::emodnet_get_layers() queries (#88).
  • Added memoising (caching during each R session) of the functions getting services and layers information (#52).

emodnet.wfs 2.0.1

  • Introduced better handling of server response errors.

emodnet.wfs 2.0.0

  • NEW FEATURE: Added ecql filtering capability and ability to interrogate feature attribute (see relevant vignette).
  • Bug fix: corrected service namespace definition when using a wfs object
  • Breaking Change: set to extract default CRS from service information (through getDeafultCRS method)
  • Breaking change: Removed default service value.
  • Updated to new EMODnet Seabed Habitats endpoints
  • Added a file to track changes to the package.