Available EMODnet Web Feature Services
- emodnet_thematic_lot
EMODnet disciplinary themes - bathymetry, biology, chemistry, geology, human activities, physics and seabed habitats
- service_name
Name of the specific service. Use in emodnet_init_wfs_client.
- service_url
Web Feature Service (WFS) URL endpoint for accessing the service.
#> # A tibble: 17 × 3
#> emodnet_thematic_lot service_name service_url
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 EMODnet Bathymetry bathymetry https://ow…
#> 2 EMODnet Biology biology https://ge…
#> 3 EMODnet Biology biology_occurrence_data https://ge…
#> 4 EMODnet Chemistry chemistry_cdi_data_discovery_and_access… https://ge…
#> 5 EMODnet Chemistry chemistry_cdi_distribution_observations… https://ge…
#> 6 EMODnet Chemistry chemistry_contaminants https://ge…
#> 7 EMODnet Chemistry chemistry_marine_litter https://ww…
#> 8 EMODnet Geology geology_coastal_behavior https://dr…
#> 9 EMODnet Geology geology_events_and_probabilities https://dr…
#> 10 EMODnet Geology geology_marine_minerals https://dr…
#> 11 EMODnet Geology geology_sea_floor_bedrock https://dr…
#> 12 EMODnet Geology geology_seabed_substrate_maps https://dr…
#> 13 EMODnet Geology geology_submerged_landscapes https://dr…
#> 14 EMODnet Human Activities human_activities https://ow…
#> 15 EMODnet Physics physics https://pr…
#> 16 EMODnet Seabed Habitats seabed_habitats_general_datasets_and_pr… https://ow…
#> 17 EMODnet Seabed Habitats seabed_habitats_individual_habitat_map_… https://ow…