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Performs an WFS getFeature request for layers from a wfs object or specified EMODnet Service. Filtering of layer features can also be handled via ECQL language filters.


  wfs = NULL,
  service = NULL,
  service_version = NULL,
  crs = NULL,
  cql_filter = NULL,
  reduce_layers = FALSE,



A WFSClient R6 object with methods for interfacing an OGC Web Feature Service.


the EMODnet OGC WFS service name. For available services, see emodnet_wfs().


[Deprecated] the WFS service version. Now always "2.0.0".


a character vector of layer names. To get info on layers, including layer_name use emodnet_get_wfs_info().


integer. EPSG code for the output crs. If NULL (default), layers are returned with original crs.


character. Features returned can be filtered using valid Extended Common Query Language (ECQL) filtering statements ( Should be one of:

  • character string or character vector of length 1. Filter will be recycled across all layers requested.

  • character vector of length equal to the length of layers. Filter will be matched to layers sequentially. Elements containing NA are ignored

  • named character vector. Each filter will be applied to the layer corresponding to the filter name. Filters with names that do not correspond to any layers are ignored. Layers without corresponding filters are returned whole.


whether to reduce output layers to a single sf object.


additional vendor parameter arguments passed to ows4R::GetFeature(). For example, including count = 1 returns the first available feature. Or outputFormat = "CSV" (or outputFormat = "JSON") might help downloading bigger datasets.


If reduce_layers = FALSE (default), a list of sf objects, one element for each layer. Any layers for which download was unsuccessful will be NULL. If reduce_layers = TRUE, all layers are reduced (if possible) to a single sf containing data for all layers. NULL layers are ignored. reduce_layers = TRUE can also be used to return an sf out of a single layer request instead of a list of length 1.

Big downloads

If a layer is really big (like "abiotic_observations" of the "biology_occurrence_data" service), you might consider a combination of these ideas:


if (FALSE) { # interactive()
# Layers as character vector
  service = "biology",
  layers = c("mediseh_zostera_m_pnt", "mediseh_posidonia_nodata")

# Usage of cql_filter
  service = "biology",
  layers = "mediseh_zostera_m_pnt",
  cql_filter = "country = 'Francia'"
# Usage of vendor parameter
  service = "biology",
  layers = "mediseh_zostera_m_pnt",
  count = 1

# Usage of csv output
data <- emodnet_get_layers(
    service = "biology_occurrence_data",
    layers = "abiotic_observations",
    outputFormat = "CSV"