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Connecting to EMODnet WCS Services

Get details of available EMODnet WCS services and create <WCSClient> class objects to connect to them.

Available EMODnet Web Coverage Services
Initialise an EMODnet WCS client

Compile metadata about EMODnet WCS Services and the coverages they serve

Functions for compiling metadata on services and available coverages for easy review.

emdn_get_wcs_info() emdn_get_wcs_info_all() emdn_get_coverage_info()
Get EMODnet WCS service and available coverage information.

Extract metadata & metadata objects from a <WCSClient> object

Functions for extracting a variety of both service and coverage level metadata including <WCSCoverageSummary> objects from a <WCSClient> object.

Extract individual coverage level metadata from a <WCSCoverageSummary> object

Functions for extracting individual metadata for specific coverages from a <WCSCoverageSummary> object.

Download a coverage from a EMODnet WCS service

Get a coverage from an EMODnet WCS Service