This section describes the workflow for assembling the data sets required to produce spatial estimates of temporal turnover (species loss and gain, beta diversity) from the EMODnet macrobenthos presence-absence product.
First, load required packages:
The main presence-absence dataset is provided as a NetCDF file. This will be served via EMODnet but is accessed locally here. First, establish a connection to the file:
nc_fil <- nc_open(here("data", "raw_data/"))
Assemble a data frame of sampling events, composed of latitude, longitude, full date, and year from the .nc file:
sample_events <- tibble(
lat = as.vector(ncvar_get(nc_fil, "lat")),
lon = as.vector(ncvar_get(nc_fil,"lon")),
date = lubridate::ymd(as.Date(ncvar_get(nc_fil, "Date"), origin = "1970-01-01 00:00:00")),
year = lubridate::year(as.Date(ncvar_get(nc_fil, "Date"), origin = "1970-01-01 00:00:00"))
Note that there are fewer distinct sampling events (289634) than there are total sampling events (292332). Note also that a few sampling events have dates in the future:
## # A tibble: 4 Ă— 4
## lat lon date year
## <dbl> <dbl> <date> <dbl>
## 1 53.3 -3.17 2035-05-19 2035
## 2 51.6 -4.89 2032-05-25 2032
## 3 59.1 -5.83 2030-08-10 2030
## 4 59.1 -5.81 2028-09-29 2028
First get all taxon names and WoRMS Aphia IDs from the nc file:
taxon_name <- ncvar_get(nc_fil, "Taxon_Name")
aphia_id <- ncvar_get(nc_fil,"AphiaID") %>% word(start = -1, sep = ":") %>% as.integer()
For this product, we use only taxa at the species rank only. To do this this we need to get the WoRMS classification for each taxon, and take the final entry in this. For this we use a simple function:
get_worms_rank <- function(aphiaid){
classif <- wm_classification(aphiaid) %>% slice(n())
To run for one taxon:
## # A tibble: 1 Ă— 3
## AphiaID rank scientificname
## <int> <chr> <chr>
## 1 855675 Species Cylista undata
This will run the function over all taxa. WARNING: this takes ~40 minutes on my machine:
taxo <- aphia_id %>% map_df(get_worms_rank, .progress = TRUE)
Because this is slow to run, the output was written to file
(write_csv(taxo, file = here("data", "EMODnet-Biology-Benthos-European-Seas/benthos_taxo_rank.csv"))
so it can simply be read in directly here:
taxo <- read_csv(here("data", "derived_data/benthos_taxo_rank.csv"))
What ranks are present?
taxo %>% count(rank) %>% arrange(desc(n)) %>% print(n = 100)
## # A tibble: 23 Ă— 2
## rank n
## <chr> <int>
## 1 Species 8149
## 2 Genus 1679
## 3 Family 529
## 4 Order 89
## 5 Subspecies 83
## 6 Subfamily 64
## 7 Superfamily 62
## 8 Class 36
## 9 Suborder 32
## 10 Subclass 20
## 11 Phylum 17
## 12 Subgenus 16
## 13 Infraorder 13
## 14 Subphylum 8
## 15 Superorder 8
## 16 Kingdom 7
## 17 Infraclass 6
## 18 Tribe 5
## 19 Superclass 2
## 20 Infrakingdom 1
## 21 Parvorder 1
## 22 Subterclass 1
## 23 Variety 1
To get a list of only species-rank taxa (adding an index for ease of matching later):
spp <- taxo %>%
filter(rank == "Species") %>%
mutate(aphia_index = match(.$AphiaID, taxo$AphiaID))
This results in 8149 unique species-level benthic taxa.
We can get presence-absence for a single species directly from the nc file:
presabs <- ncvar_get(nc_fil,"Pres_abs",
start = c(1, spp$aphia_index[1]), count = c(-1,1))
To run this across species, wrap it in a function:
get_presabs_sp <- function(sp_index, sp_df = spp, samps = sample_events){
# get pres-abs data
presabs <- ncvar_get(nc_fil, "Pres_abs",
start = c(1, sp_index), count = c(-1,1))
# assemble data frame
ret <- tibble(aphia_id = spp$AphiaID[spp$aphia_index == sp_index],
presabs = presabs)
ret <- samps %>% bind_cols(ret)
Run this for a single species and get a count of presences and absences:
presabs <- get_presabs_sp(sp_index = spp$aphia_index[1])
presabs %>% count(presabs)
## # A tibble: 3 Ă— 2
## presabs n
## <int[1d]> <int>
## 1 0 230910
## 2 1 33777
## 3 NA 27645
NB: 1 = Present, 0 = looked for but absent, NA = not looked for. A value of ‘NA’ indicates that at that sampling event, only a subset of the full benthos community was effectively surveyed. To work out how big an issue this is, we can get species-level summaries of numbers of presences, absences, and NAs, in a function:
get_presabs_sp_summ <- function(sp_index, sp_df = spp){
# get pres-abs data
presabs <- ncvar_get(nc_fil, "Pres_abs",
start = c(1, sp_index), count = c(-1,1))
# assemble data frame
ret <- tibble(presabs = presabs) %>%
count(presabs) %>%
mutate(aphia_id = spp$AphiaID[spp$aphia_index == sp_index]) %>%
dplyr::select(aphia_id, everything())
What this does for a single species:
get_presabs_sp_summ(sp_index = spp$aphia_index[1])
## # A tibble: 3 Ă— 3
## aphia_id presabs n
## <dbl> <int[1d]> <int>
## 1 141579 0 230910
## 2 141579 1 33777
## 3 141579 NA 27645
Run across species and summarise (takes a minute or two to run):
pres_abs_summ <- spp %>% pull(aphia_index) %>%
purrr::map(get_presabs_sp_summ, .progress = TRUE) %>%
pres_abs_summ %>% group_by(presabs) %>% summarise(n_cases = sum(n))
## # A tibble: 3 Ă— 2
## presabs n_cases
## <int[1d]> <int>
## 1 0 1989927446
## 2 1 3314018
## 3 NA 388972004
So there is a manageable number of presences (~3.3M) but the number of absences (~2bn) and NAs (~389M) will cause issues.
Given that NA indicates an incomplete survey of the benthic
community, the decision taken for this product is not to consider
sampling events that include NA for any species. First, add a new
variable to sample_events
, includes_na
setting this to be FALSE
for all sampling events
sample_events <- sample_events %>% mutate(includes_na = FALSE)
This function finds for a given species which (if any) sampling
events include NA, and changes the includes_na
flag to
for any events that do:
get_na_events <- function(sp_index, samps = sample_events){
# get pres-abs data
presabs <- ncvar_get(nc_fil, "Pres_abs",
start = c(1, sp_index), count = c(-1,1))
# flag NAs in sample_events
samps <- samps %>% mutate(includes_na = ifelse(, TRUE, includes_na))
Then run this over all species, saving the results to a new object
called na_events
(takes a couple of minutes):
na_events <- sample_events
for(i in spp$aphia_index){
na_events <- get_na_events(sp_index = i, samps = na_events)
What are the consequences of this?
na_events %>% count(includes_na)
## # A tibble: 2 Ă— 2
## includes_na n
## <lgl[1d]> <int>
## 1 FALSE 243848
## 2 TRUE 48484
So getting rid of these would remove 16.6% of all sample events. Are these biased in time?
Not obviously - although we may lose some of the much older events.
To finalise sample_events
, re-create it from
, add an id variable from the rownumber, and deal
with the dates in the future (here simply by flagging them in the
variable so they can be filtered out easily in
one step):
sample_events <- na_events %>%
mutate(sample_id = row_number()) %>%
dplyr::select(sample_id, everything()) %>%
mutate(includes_na = ifelse(date > lubridate::now(), TRUE, includes_na))
This can then be written to file
(write_csv(sample_events, file = here("data", "derived_data/sample_events.csv"))
allowing the final assembled version of sample_events
to be
read in quickly here:
sample_events <- read_csv(here("data",
## Rows: 292332 Columns: 6
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## dbl (4): sample_id, lat, lon, year
## lgl (1): includes_na
## date (1): date
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
This assembles the long species presence x site df, for non-na sites
only. It uses a revised version of the previous
function which excludes NA sites:
get_presabs_sp_na_rm <- function(sp_index, sp_df = spp, samps = sample_events){
# get pres-abs data
presabs <- ncvar_get(nc_fil, "Pres_abs",
start = c(1, sp_index), count = c(-1,1))
# assemble data frame
ret <- tibble(aphia_id = spp$AphiaID[spp$aphia_index == sp_index],
presabs = presabs)
ret <- samps %>% bind_cols(ret)
# filter to presences and non-NA sites
ret <- ret %>% filter(presabs == 1 & includes_na == FALSE) %>%
dplyr::select(sample_id, aphia_id)
Run for one species - this needs the spp
table of
taxo <- read_csv(here("data", "derived_data/benthos_taxo_rank.csv"))
spp <- taxo %>%
filter(rank == "Species") %>%
mutate(aphia_index = match(.$AphiaID, taxo$AphiaID))
Then run the presence-absence function for a single species:
get_presabs_sp_na_rm(sp_index = spp$aphia_index[1])
## # A tibble: 31,099 Ă— 2
## sample_id aphia_id
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 212 141579
## 2 266 141579
## 3 302 141579
## 4 2728 141579
## 5 2729 141579
## 6 2739 141579
## 7 2743 141579
## 8 2831 141579
## 9 3431 141579
## 10 4143 141579
## # … with 31,089 more rows
Now run over all species to generate a full dataframe of species presence at each site (excluding sites with NA values) - this takes around 5 minutes:
pres_df <- spp %>% pull(aphia_index) %>%
purrr::map(get_presabs_sp_na_rm, .progress = TRUE) %>%
From this we can get (and plot) e.g. a summary of species occurrence frequencies:
sp_occ_summary <- pres_df %>% count(aphia_id) %>% arrange(n)
ggplot(sp_occ_summary) + geom_histogram(aes(x = n))
So for instance 1064 species occur in only a single sample; 5706 occur in more than one.
Before closing the nc connection, first extract the Coordinate Reference System:
presabs_crs <- ncatt_get(nc_fil, "crs")
Also worth saving the presence data (pres_df
) to file
for direct loading
(write_csv(pres_df, file = here("data", "derived_data/pres_df.csv"))
allowing the final presence data frame to be read in quickly here:
pres_df <- read_csv(here("data",
Finally close the nc connection:
The two derived datasets, sample_events.csv
are now available in the
folder for use in calculating temporal
turnove metrics as described in
This section describes the workflow for generating data and maps of spatial estimates of temporal turnover (species loss and gain, beta diversity) from the EMODnet macrobenthos presence-absence product. It uses processed versions of the dataset that are fully described above.
First, load required packages:
# basic data manipulation and visualisation
# spatial data processing and mapping
# diversity and turnover analysis
Read in the datasets of sampling events and species presence that
were generated in the previous document
sample_events <- read_csv(here("data",
pres_df <- read_csv(here("data",
To retain all sampling events (including those which do not sample the full benthic community, i.e. which return NA occurrences for some species), first assign the full data set to a new object and then filter to remove events which include NA occurrences:
sample_events_includingNA <- sample_events
sample_events <- sample_events %>% filter(includes_na == FALSE)
Note that some sample events do not include any species from our presence data - for instance, they may only have recorded taxa at higher taxonomic levels. To restrict futher analyses to only those sampling events where we know we have species presences:
sample_events <- sample_events %>% filter(sample_id %in% unique(pres_df$sample_id))
To determine a suitable set of time periods for temporal correlations, first look at number of events in five year blocks:
sample_events <- sample_events %>%
mutate(year_5 = round(year/5)*5)
ggplot(sample_events) + geom_bar(aes(x = year_5))
To examine the spatial distribution of samples through time, we can make the data spatial (using the WGS84 EPG) and produce a quick plot:
ggplot(st_as_sf(sample_events, coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = 4326)) +
geom_sf(size = 0.1) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 75, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5, size = 6),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 6)) +
facet_wrap(~ year_5)
This shows not only more individual events through time, but also greater geographical spread, especially since ~1970s. It also suggests that regular time periods (e.g. every 5 or 10 years) will not be appropriate for estimating turnover. To try to get reasonably equal coverage, the following time periods are defined: before 1990, 1990-1999, 2000-2004, 2005-2009, 2010-2014, and 2015 and after:
sample_events <- sample_events %>%
mutate(time_slice = case_when(
year < 1990 ~ 1,
year >= 1990 & year <2000 ~ 2,
year >= 2000 & year <2005 ~ 3,
year >= 2005 & year <2010 ~ 4,
year >= 2010 & year <2015 ~ 5,
year >= 2015 ~ 6
sample_events %>% count(time_slice)
## # A tibble: 6 Ă— 2
## time_slice n
## <dbl> <int>
## 1 1 26192
## 2 2 34900
## 3 3 28246
## 4 4 36915
## 5 5 79314
## 6 6 18162
The next step is to grid the presence-absence data. This uses a 1 degree grid to increase the number of grid cells that have samples at multiple time points. To set the extent of the grid we use the geographic extent of the sampling events data:
sample_events %>% select(lon, lat) %>% summary()
## lon lat
## Min. :-33.3196 Min. :28.19
## 1st Qu.: -4.7088 1st Qu.:51.23
## Median : -0.2602 Median :53.33
## Mean : 2.2960 Mean :53.76
## 3rd Qu.: 4.1272 3rd Qu.:56.12
## Max. : 58.9430 Max. :81.12
Use this to set a sensible extent and create a raster based on this:
extent_tb <- tibble(lon = c(-34, 59), lat = c(28, 82)) %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = 4326)
r <- rast(ext(extent_tb), resolution = 1, crs = crs(extent_tb))
Then create a raster of sampling events by time, with a layer for each of the six time slices, which we then fill from sampling events:
# create 6-layer raster
samp_event_by_time_r <- rep(r, 6)
# vector of names for time slices
time_slices <- c("pre1990", "1990s", "2000-2004", "2005-2009", "2010-2014", "post2015")
# fill the raster from sample_events
for(i in 1:nlyr(samp_event_by_time_r)){
samp_event_by_time_r[[i]] <- sample_events %>%
filter(time_slice == i) %>%
dplyr::select(lon, lat) %>%
as.matrix() %>%
rasterize(r, fun = "length") %>%
To map these, first use the rnaturalearth
package to get
a world coastline basemap:
world <- rnaturalearth::ne_countries(scale = "medium", returnclass = "sf") %>%
st_transform(crs = crs(r))
Then produce the map:
ggplot() +
geom_spatraster(data = log10(samp_event_by_time_r)) +
scale_fill_viridis_c(name = "log N Samples") +
geom_sf(data = world, colour = "grey95", fill = "grey85", lwd = 0.1, alpha = 0.5) +
xlim(as.vector(ext(r)[1:2])) +
ylim(as.vector(ext(r)[3:4])) +
coord_sf(expand = FALSE) +
Add a cell index from this grid back into the sampling events data:
sample_events <- sample_events %>%
mutate(sample_cell = cellFromXY(r,
as.matrix(dplyr::select(sample_events, lon, lat))))
We can now check the number of time periods with samples per grid cell, summarised here:
sample_events %>%
dplyr::select(sample_cell, time_slice) %>%
distinct() %>%
count(sample_cell) %>%
count(n) %>%
rename(n_time_periods = n, n_grid_cells = nn) %>%
mutate(p_cells = round(n_grid_cells / sum(n_grid_cells), 2))
## # A tibble: 6 Ă— 3
## n_time_periods n_grid_cells p_cells
## <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1 1 316 0.43
## 2 2 82 0.11
## 3 3 64 0.09
## 4 4 47 0.06
## 5 5 65 0.09
## 6 6 156 0.21
So of the 730 grid cells with at least one sample in, around 43% have
samples from only one of our defined time periods, and around 21% have
samples from all six time periods. We can show the spatial distribution
of these - here, separating cells sampled only once (i.e., those that
cannot contribute to measures of turnover or temporal change), labelled
, and those sampled at least two times, labelled
. This code creates a raster with two layers, one to
display the single_t
cells and one for the
cells_single_time <-
sample_events %>% select(sample_cell, time_slice) %>%
distinct() %>%
count(sample_cell) %>% filter(n == 1) %>%
cells_multi_time <-
sample_events %>% select(sample_cell, time_slice) %>%
distinct() %>%
count(sample_cell) %>% filter(n > 1) %>%
single_multi_time <- c(r,r) %>% setNames(c("single_t", "multi_t"))
values(single_multi_time[[1]]) <- NA
values(single_multi_time[[1]])[cells_single_time] <- 1
values(single_multi_time[[2]]) <- NA
values(single_multi_time[[2]])[cells_multi_time] <- 1
(single_v_multi_t_cell_map <- ggplot() +
geom_spatraster(data = single_multi_time) +
scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "turbo") +
geom_sf(data = world, colour = "grey95", fill = "grey85", lwd = 0.1, alpha = 0.5) +
xlim(as.vector(ext(r)[1:2])) +
ylim(as.vector(ext(r)[3:4])) +
coord_sf(expand = FALSE) +
theme(legend.position = "none") +
We can now join the sampling events data to the main species presence dataset and summarise by grid cell:
gridded_occs <- pres_df %>%
left_join(sample_events, join_by(sample_id)) %>%
group_by(aphia_id, time_slice, sample_cell) %>%
summarise(sp_occs = n()) %>%
arrange(sample_cell, time_slice) %>% ungroup()
For this to be useful for temporal turnover analyses, we need to
filter only those cells with samples in more than one time period, using
the cells_multi_time
object created above:
gridded_occs <- gridded_occs %>%
filter(sample_cell %in% cells_multi_time)
This can be used to get occurrences of an individual species per grid cell through time, e.g.:
gridded_occs %>%
filter(aphia_id == 101160) %>% arrange(sample_cell, time_slice)
## # A tibble: 214 Ă— 4
## aphia_id time_slice sample_cell sp_occs
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
## 1 101160 3 982 2
## 2 101160 3 992 1
## 3 101160 5 994 1
## 4 101160 2 1075 1
## 5 101160 2 1438 1
## 6 101160 4 1462 1
## 7 101160 2 1463 3
## 8 101160 1 1464 1
## 9 101160 1 1562 2
## 10 101160 2 1562 2
## # … with 204 more rows
Which can be summarised, for example showing the number of individual grid cells occupied by this species in different numbers of time periods:
gridded_occs %>%
filter(aphia_id == 101160) %>%
count(sample_cell) %>%
count(n) %>%
rename(n_time_periods = n, n_grid_cells = nn)
## # A tibble: 6 Ă— 2
## n_time_periods n_grid_cells
## <int> <int>
## 1 1 47
## 2 2 16
## 3 3 7
## 4 4 12
## 5 5 6
## 6 6 6
However this does not account for the identity of cells, i.e. which cells were surveyed in the different time periods. The following section addresses that issue at the community level, be quantifying losses and gains of species at the gridd cell level over time, directly comparing cells sampled in successive time periods.
Calculating temporal turnover at the grid cell level requires a matrix of species presences and absences over time. To give an example of this, it is useful to identify a grid cell which has samples in each time period:
gridded_occs %>% dplyr::select(time_slice, sample_cell) %>%
distinct() %>%
count(sample_cell) %>%
arrange(desc(n)) %>%
## # A tibble: 6 Ă— 2
## sample_cell n
## <dbl> <int>
## 1 1544 6
## 2 1545 6
## 3 1546 6
## 4 1547 6
## 5 1637 6
## 6 1638 6
Any of these cells will work, we’ll just use the first one (cell 1544). To convert this into a matrix of species occurrences:
(comm_mat_eg <- gridded_occs %>% filter(sample_cell == 1544) %>%
mutate(pa = ifelse(sp_occs > 0, 1, 0)) %>%
dplyr::select(time_slice, aphia_id, pa) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = aphia_id, values_from = pa, values_fill = 0) %>%
column_to_rownames(var = "time_slice")
## 103077 119034 102101 122739 147123 264152 732756 102299 137419 137556 137569
## 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
## 3 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
## 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
## 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
## 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
## 166616 181483 182796 183235 494362 743898 955291 955309 120120 167642 181523
## 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
## 5 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
## 6 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
## 884604
## 1 0
## 2 0
## 3 0
## 4 0
## 5 1
## 6 0
This gives us a matrix with 6 rows (one per time slice) and 23
columns (one per species found in this grid cell over the whole survey
period). This is now in the correct format to use the diversity
functions in the vegan
and BAT
Specifically here we use BAT::beta()
b_eg <- comm_mat_eg %>%
as.matrix() %>% beta()
abc_eg <- comm_mat_eg %>% betadiver(method = NULL)
These can be converted into summaries of species shared (‘a’),
species lost (‘b), and species gained (’c’) between each pair of time
periods, as well as total beta diversity (‘Btotal’) and its richness
(‘Brich’, i.e. due to changes in richness) and replacement (‘Brepl’,
i.e. due to changes in composition) components. All of this is done in a
single function, get_species_turnover
, available in the
‘scripts’ folder, that we can source here:
source(here("scripts", "get_species_turnover.R"))
To run this for our example grid cell:
gridded_occs %>% filter(sample_cell == 1544) %>% get_species_turnover()
## # A tibble: 15 Ă— 9
## sample_cell time_start time_comp beta_tot beta_repl beta_…¹ a b c
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1544 1 2 0.714 0 0.714 2 5 0
## 2 1544 1 3 0.714 0 0.714 2 5 0
## 3 1544 1 4 0.889 0 0.889 2 16 0
## 4 1544 1 5 0.867 0 0.867 2 13 0
## 5 1544 1 6 0.778 0 0.778 2 7 0
## 6 1544 2 3 0.25 0.25 0 6 1 1
## 7 1544 2 4 0.611 0 0.611 7 11 0
## 8 1544 2 5 0.533 0 0.533 7 8 0
## 9 1544 2 6 0.222 0 0.222 7 2 0
## 10 1544 3 4 0.684 0.105 0.579 6 12 1
## 11 1544 3 5 0.625 0.125 0.5 6 9 1
## 12 1544 3 6 0.4 0.2 0.2 6 3 1
## 13 1544 4 5 0.5 0.364 0.136 11 4 7
## 14 1544 4 6 0.579 0.105 0.474 8 1 10
## 15 1544 5 6 0.4 0 0.4 9 0 6
## # … with abbreviated variable name ¹​beta_rich
This can then be run over all cells, with a little extra manipulation at the end to add a variable indicating the relevant time comparison, and to show species lost and species gained as a proportion of all species occurring across both time periods (takes around a minute to run):
species_turnover_allcells <- gridded_occs %>%
split(.$sample_cell) %>%
purrr::map(get_species_turnover, .progress = TRUE) %>%
The output is here manipulated a bit to add longer labels to the time periods, and to create composite time comparison variables (useful for plotting):
(species_turnover_allcells <- species_turnover_allcells %>%
t_start_long = case_match(
1 ~ "pre1990",
2 ~ "1990s",
3 ~ "2000-2004",
4 ~ "2005-2009",
5 ~ "2012-2014",
6 ~ "post2015"
t_comp_long = case_match(
1 ~ "pre1990",
2 ~ "1990s",
3 ~ "2000-2004",
4 ~ "2005-2009",
5 ~ "2012-2014",
6 ~ "post2015"),
t_comp = paste(time_start, time_comp, sep = "_"),
t_comp_lab = paste(t_start_long, t_comp_long, sep = "_v_"),
t_steps = time_comp - time_start,
b_prop = b / (a + b + c), c_prop = c / (a + b + c)
) %>%
select(sample_cell, t_comp, t_steps, beta_tot:c, b_prop, c_prop, t_comp_lab)
## # A tibble: 3,546 Ă— 12
## sample_cell t_comp t_steps beta_tot beta_r…¹ beta_…² a b c b_prop
## <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 336 1_2 1 0.870 0.0435 0.826 6 39 1 0.848
## 2 792 1_2 1 0.739 0.319 0.420 18 40 11 0.580
## 3 982 3_4 1 0.848 0.268 0.580 34 30 160 0.134
## 4 984 2_3 1 0.739 0.267 0.472 47 24 109 0.133
## 5 984 2_4 2 0.902 0.304 0.598 18 28 138 0.152
## 6 984 3_4 1 0.907 0.673 0.234 10 36 61 0.336
## 7 985 2_4 2 0.794 0.658 0.135 67 107 151 0.329
## 8 986 2_4 2 0.764 0.631 0.133 89 169 119 0.448
## 9 988 2_3 1 0.686 0.429 0.257 44 30 66 0.214
## 10 988 2_5 3 0.802 0.642 0.160 32 52 78 0.321
## # … with 3,536 more rows, 2 more variables: c_prop <dbl>, t_comp_lab <chr>, and
## # abbreviated variable names ¹​beta_repl, ²​beta_rich
This results in a data frame giving the sample cell
), the relevant time comparison
- e.g. a value of 1_2
is the
comparison between time slice 1 (pre-1990) and time slice 2 (1990s) -
this is made explicit in t_comp_lab
), the number of time
steps in this comparison (t_steps
- e.g. pre-1990 vs 1990s
would be 1, pre-1990 vs 2000-2004 would be 2), and then the 6 diversity
metrics: total, replacement, and richness beta diversity
, beta_repl
, beta_rich
and the number of species shared, lost, and gained from the first to the
second time period (a
, b
, and c
Species lost and gained are also represented as a proportion of the
total number of species lost, gained, and shared (b_prop
and c_prop
). To simplify visualisation and interpretation,
it may be useful to filter the output to single time step
To turn this into gridded products for each time comparison and turnover measure, we need to add some more spatial meta data (lon and lot of each cell). This code also adds the total number of unique sampling events in each cell (summed over all time periods):
# Get sample cell metadata
sample_cell_meta <- sample_events %>%
group_by(sample_cell) %>%
summarise(n_samps = n_distinct(sample_id)) %>%
bind_cols(xyFromCell(r, .$sample_cell)) %>%
rename(lon = x, lat = y)
# Then join to species turnover data
species_turnover_allcells <- species_turnover_allcells %>%
left_join(sample_cell_meta, join_by(sample_cell)) %>%
select(lon, lat, everything())
This then allows the creation of a raster for each diversity measure, with a layer for each time comparison. For example, for total beta diversity:
beta_tot_r <- species_turnover_allcells %>%
select(lon, lat, t_comp, t_comp_lab, beta_tot) %>%
arrange(t_comp) %>%
select(-t_comp) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = t_comp_lab,
values_from = beta_tot) %>%
rast(type = "xyz", crs = crs(r)) %>%
This can be plotted if required:
(beta_tot_map <- ggplot() +
geom_spatraster(data = beta_tot_r) +
scale_fill_viridis_c(name = "beta (total)") +
geom_sf(data = world, colour = "grey95", fill = "grey85", lwd = 0.1, alpha = 0.5) +
xlim(as.vector(ext(r)[1:2])) +
ylim(as.vector(ext(r)[3:4])) +
coord_sf(expand = FALSE) +
facet_wrap(~lyr) +
theme_bw(base_size = 8) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 60, hjust = 1))
To plot an individual layer (or selection - here, pre-1990s v 1990s and pre-1990s v post-2015):
ggplot() +
geom_spatraster(data = select(beta_tot_r, 1, 5)) +
scale_fill_viridis_c(name = "beta (total)") +
geom_sf(data = world, colour = "grey95", fill = "grey85", lwd = 0.1, alpha = 0.5) +
xlim(as.vector(ext(r)[1:2])) +
ylim(as.vector(ext(r)[3:4])) +
coord_sf(expand = FALSE) +
facet_wrap(~lyr) +
theme_bw(base_size = 10) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 60, hjust = 1))
A function to do all of this for a specified turnover metric,
, is available in the ‘scripts’
folder, sourced here:
source(here("scripts", "create_turnover_raster.R"))
Running for c_prop
, creating (but not displaying) a plot
for 2000-2004 compared to all later time periods:
turnover_r_cprop <- create_turnover_raster(turnover_metric = "c_prop",
create_plot = TRUE,
display_plot = FALSE,
plot_layers = c("2000-2004_v_2005-2009",
To examine the data returned:
## class : SpatRaster
## dimensions : 54, 93, 15 (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
## resolution : 1, 1 (x, y)
## extent : -34, 59, 28, 82 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326)
## source(s) : memory
## names : pre19~1990s, pre19~-2004, pre19~-2009, pre19~-2014, pre19~t2015, 1990s~-2004, ...
## min values : 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.000000, ...
## max values : 0.9968944, 0.9910714, 0.9576923, 0.9946524, 0.9861111, 0.997151, ...
And to display the plot:
The final step is to create the rasters for all diversity measures.
beta_tot_r <- create_turnover_raster(turnover_metric = "beta_tot", create_plot = FALSE)
beta_repl_r <- create_turnover_raster(turnover_metric = "beta_repl", create_plot = FALSE)
beta_rich_r <- create_turnover_raster(turnover_metric = "beta_rich", create_plot = FALSE)
sp_shared_r <- create_turnover_raster(turnover_metric = "a", create_plot = FALSE)
sp_lost_r <- create_turnover_raster(turnover_metric = "b", create_plot = FALSE)
sp_gained_r <- create_turnover_raster(turnover_metric = "c", create_plot = FALSE)
p_sp_lost_r <- create_turnover_raster(turnover_metric = "b_prop", create_plot = FALSE)
p_sp_gained_r <- create_turnover_raster(turnover_metric = "c_prop", create_plot = FALSE)
Write all of the rasters to file, as GeoTIFFs with LZW compression
(set gdal = "COMPRESS=NONE"
in the call to
if uncompressed files are required). Setting
overwrite = TRUE
means that any existing file of the same
name will be overwritten.
writeRaster(beta_tot_r, filename = here("product", "beta_tot_r.tif"), overwrite = TRUE)
writeRaster(beta_repl_r, filename = here("product", "beta_repl_r.tif"), overwrite = TRUE)
writeRaster(beta_rich_r, filename = here("product", "beta_rich_r.tif"), overwrite = TRUE)
writeRaster(sp_shared_r, filename = here("product", "sp_shared_r.tif"), overwrite = TRUE)
writeRaster(sp_lost_r, filename = here("product", "sp_lost_r.tif"), overwrite = TRUE)
writeRaster(sp_gained_r, filename = here("product", "sp_gained_r.tif"), overwrite = TRUE)
writeRaster(p_sp_lost_r, filename = here("product", "p_sp_lost_r.tif"), overwrite = TRUE)
writeRaster(p_sp_gained_r, filename = here("product", "p_sp_gained_r.tif"), overwrite = TRUE)
To create the NetCDF versions, we adapt the EMODnet guide to creating
NetCDF files from
This has been developed into a function in the scripts folder,
, that will generate a NetCDF from an input
SpatRaster file:
source(here("scripts", "netcdfify.R"))
First, read in the GeoTIFFs created above:
beta_total <- rast(here("product", "beta_tot_r.tif"))
beta_repl <- rast(here("product", "beta_repl_r.tif"))
beta_rich <- rast(here("product", "beta_rich_r.tif"))
sp_shared <- rast(here("product", "sp_shared_r.tif"))
sp_lost <- rast(here("product", "sp_lost_r.tif"))
sp_gained <- rast(here("product", "sp_gained_r.tif"))
p_sp_lost <- rast(here("product", "p_sp_lost_r.tif"))
p_sp_gained <- rast(here("product", "p_sp_gained_r.tif"))
Because these will all be combined, we add the diveristy measure as a prefix to the layer names in each raster:
names(beta_total) <- paste0("beta_total_", names(beta_total))
names(beta_repl) <- paste0("beta_repl_", names(beta_repl))
names(beta_rich) <- paste0("beta_rich_", names(beta_rich))
names(sp_shared) <- paste0("sp_shared_", names(sp_shared))
names(sp_lost) <- paste0("sp_lost_", names(sp_lost))
names(sp_gained) <- paste0("sp_gained_", names(sp_gained))
names(p_sp_lost) <- paste0("p_sp_lost_", names(p_sp_lost))
names(p_sp_gained) <- paste0("p_sp_gained_", names(p_sp_gained))
Then combine the rasters into a single raster with 120 layers, one for each combination of diversity measure and time comparison:
all_measures_r <- c(
beta_total, beta_repl, beta_rich,
sp_shared, sp_lost, sp_gained,
p_sp_lost, p_sp_gained
Write this to file as an single GeoTiff version of the product:
filename = here("product", "all_diversity_measures.tif"),
overwrite = TRUE)
It’s also useful to know the min and max values of each layer. This is done here, and written to file as a simple dataframe with a min and max value for each diveristy measure x time comparison combination:
all_measures_minmax <- all_measures_r %>%
minmax() %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate(value = c("min", "max")) %>%
select(value, everything()) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = -value, names_to = "diversity_measure", values_to = "val") %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = value, values_from = val)
here::here("data", "derived_data/all_measures_minmax.csv"))
We can set some global attributes for the output NetCDF file. This version is for all measures together. It could be adapted to create files for individual diversity measures if required.
global_attr <- list(
title = "Diversity_measures",
summary = "Eight measures of changes in species compositions of European macrobenthic communities between different time periods based on presence / absence in on a 1 degree grid",
Conventions = "CF-1.8",
# id = "",
naming_authority = "",
history = "",
source = "",
# processing_level = "",
# comment = "",
# acknowledgment = "",
license = "CC-BY",
standard_name_vocabulary = "CF Standard Name Table v1.8",
date_created = as.character(Sys.Date()),
creator_name = "Tom Webb",
creator_email = "",
creator_url = "",
institution = "The University of Sheffield",
project = "EMODnet-Biology",
publisher_name = "EMODnet-Biology",
publisher_email = "",
publisher_url = "",
# geospatial_bounds = "",
# geospatial_bounds_crs = "",
# geospatial_bounds_vertical_crs = "",
geospatial_lat_min = ext(all_measures_r)[3],
geospatial_lat_max = ext(all_measures_r)[4],
geospatial_lon_min = ext(all_measures_r)[1],
geospatial_lon_max = ext(all_measures_r)[2],
# geospatial_vertical_min = "",
# geospatial_vertical_max = "",
# geospatial_vertical_positive = "",
# time_coverage_start = "1911",
# time_coverage_end = "2016",
# time_coverage_duration = "",
# time_coverage_resolution = "",
# uuid = "",
# sea_name = "",
# creator_type = "",
creator_institution = "The University of Sheffield",
# publisher_type = "",
publisher_institution = "Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)",
# program = "",
# contributor_name = "",
# contributor_role = "",
geospatial_lat_units = "degrees_north",
geospatial_lon_units = "degrees_east",
# geospatial_vertical_units = "",
# date_modified = "",
# date_issued = "",
# date_metadata_modified = "",
# product_version = "",
# keywords_vocabulary = "",
# platform = "",
# platform_vocabulary = "",
# instrument = "",
# instrument_vocabulary = "",
# featureType = "Point",
# metadata_link = "",
# references = "",
comment = "Uses attributes recommended by",
license = "CC-BY",
publisher_name = "EMODnet Biology Data Management Team",
citation = "Webb, T.J. (2023). Temporal turnover of macrobenthos in European seas.",
acknowledgement = "European Marine Observation Data Network (EMODnet) Biology project (EMFF/2019/ 6/SI2.837974), funded by the European Union under Regulation (EU) No 508/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund"
To create the NetCDF for total beta diversity, just run the
function (setting add_measure_name
to FALSE because our layers already include the diversity measure
netcdfify(focal_rast = all_measures_r,
output_fname = "all_diversity_measures",
add_measure_name = FALSE,
global_atts = global_attr)
For completeness, this shows how to creat a NetCDF file for a single
diversity measure, here beta_total
global_attr$title <- "Beta diversity"
global_attr$summary <- "Total beta diversity between different time periods based on presence / absence in European macrobenthic communities on a 1 degree grid"
beta_total <- rast(here("product", "beta_tot_r.tif"))
netcdfify(focal_rast = beta_total,
output_fname = "beta_total",
add_measure_name = TRUE,
global_atts = global_attr)
Date of rendering:
## [1] "2023-04-17 15:52:07 BST"
Session info:
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